» linux

which linux version is the best one?

ubuntuuuu tututuuuu
you cant say ubuntu is best one .. others will say freebsd ftw or others say gentoo ftw

but.. most people use ubuntu/suse
freebsd != linux
freebsd is unix based :p
oops^^ kk not freebsd.. there are many others like redhat debian etc ;p
true :D

a friend hosted an ET serv for me like 2 years ago, on debian, running fine etc, but then he switched to freebsd at the time i was trying ettv and stuff, noticed it didnt rly work how it should xD

Now i have debian (sarge) on my own serv is, and ill stick to it :D
i was thinking about debian too.. is it that different to ubuntu?
Seriously, linux trolls are 100 times worse than the typical windows/linux troll.
expert: gentoo or debian based

novice: linspire/freespire or ubuntu
Quoteexpert: gentoo

made my day :D:D:D:D:D:D:D
I don't see the funnies. Pls explain.
please, gentoo adavanced os ? geez...
since 2005 graphical installation, and it's afaik easiest and fastest distro made.
it's not the easiest distro and it's still more advanced than ubuntu, no one said it was the MOST advanced

ofcourse i don't use linux so i don't give 2 shits about it so i havn't checked if im telling the truth or not
expert: debian based.
novice: ubuntu

please explain what ubuntu is based on
Hint: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ubuntu_%28Linux_distribution%29
do you mean distro? if yes then: gentoo (advanced linux users only), debian (old+stable) or ubuntu (best for beginners).

I'd say Ubuntu.
Ubuntu, PClinuxOS or SuSE. I'd choose Ubuntu (7.10), because of it's simplicity.
Kubuntu > *
I'd say Ubuntu too.
as always, i vote for debian.
screenshots of your desktop pls!
image: tmb_07c557486ce55a6cefc180eca307e635

nothing extreme/hardcore :) just simple things
thx =) and its not bad!
slackware is nice, but needs some skills, not only emerge technology ...
idd, same with vector.
Though you learn a lot using them, not only use windows skills.
Im guessing you meant which DISTRO is bestest... (right now it is closest to what kernel is best, and ofcourse the newest *.23 is bestest!) And I like debian (and ubuntu, since its based on debian)
yes you'r right :)

thanks to all, i think i take ubuntu

*oops wrong reply
Ubuntu and suse.
Suse is like windows, just more unstable
(c) ng_
Debian or RedHat based lin. <3 kUbuntu & FC7
xunbuntu is cool! :)

but gentoo is for pro's only!
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