:o wtf...

does some one knows a way to make your sister clear that she NEVER thouches a computer again because she destroys them !!
she first fuced up my i'net and msn , couldnt get on several and msn didnt work.
and now she destroyed the laptop's screen by breaking the screen with her hands or whatever she used to break it open and now it cant be fixed :/ pl0x need really help
lock ur pc in closet or something =o
yeah i do that with my own laptop but she destroyed the 'family' laptop but now she has to go on the normal computer but i need to make her clear she wont go on it !
spank her
rape her anally without any lube and see if she does touch you're computer again :o
would yuou do it for me cause she ugly ass hell, even a pig's ass looks beter then her fase !! and thats the 'best' part of her
she stil can destory it and then she ask my mother ffor password cause she needs the computer too u know..
other profile maybe without msn and stuff?
i know it ;x deleting her account and my moms one and give her a nuub account without any priviliges (or something ) w00t thnx xd
dunno...its your problem if you both have the same computer...nothing to do i guess...just ignore the problem....and tell her how to use the pc...so she wont mess it up again...that if she doesnt do this deliberate
u dont know my sister if somehting doesnt work, if the computer is busy doing a thing like virus scan and she's on msn and it doesnt respont fast she breaks my keuyboard in half and almost destroyed my mouse :/ its like mision impossible 4 to learn her how to use a computer xd
what's her age?
4 years younger then ur profile age xd
ok nevermind!
otherwise I would train her! ;p
Rape would be suitable - you can put a paper bag on her face if she's as ugly as you inform us here.
respect the paper bag man , it has done nothing wrong to deserve that pain :<
Use a password :O)
Rape her from behind when she's playing with the PC, she'll have such an traoma she will never want to touch a pc without looking back all the time.
Many things possible.

Use a black screen password.

This way she can't get on and if she decides 2 ask your mum say that you didn't put it on, so it must be her fault.

Have a good argument with her, and explain why she must not use it

Get her to pay you to build her one??

I don't know. But i would say black screen would be best.
kill her
Password on Initial Screen, so if she try 3 times bibuy and blame her
just skullfuck her...
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