Apocalypse Please!

image: d00048DBE65c478efb5ff

Need to operate this man again :( unlucky like last season with his eyes :(

"Paul Scholes is set to undergo a knee operation on Thursday, and is expected to be out of action for three months." -Skysports
It's only ManU, who cares dear trevyboy :D
fortunately we have a lot good player at middle
n00 n0t h1m :x
go and cry emo kid :x
oMg i will

i got your spawntime so i will rape you anyway
shit I'm sry :'<
noooooooooooo0 why why whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
lies :< we rly want you :<
lol the map is over we won :D
no we won because you lagged them to death

you > all
you deserve that egoboost so np
yay a cookie ^^
a space~cookie?

btw gtfo i doN't want your sperm :<
and what makes the cookie so special? is it the point that the cookie is from u?
i don'tz tr00st u :<
okay okay i will do it :x
not so yummy
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