fps question!

As I'm not very good when it comes to configs and fps, Recently I was told that I should only cap my fps to the amount of hertz my monitor is, which in my case is 85 (my monitor isn't very good) how ever I can get 125 stable fps on every map in ET so I'm a bit stuck on what to do.. should I stick to using 85? (which I have been using for the last 1/2weeks) even though it doesn't feel as smooth as it does when I'm using 125 or should I go back to 125? I was told I'm losing 40 pictures per second or something :S if I use 125... any help or ideas would be much appreciated, thank you for reading if you did :)
im using 76 or 125 doesnt care for me
Doesnt rly matter imo
ET will go smooth when it's around at same as your monitor hertz. I also advice you to use cl_maxpackets 100. Alltought it wont make such a big diffrent, if you CAN get stable 125 fps EVERY where, which includes outside, maps like radar and so on, I would highly recommand you to stick with 125 fps. Unless you only get it on building and so on, I'd stick with com_maxfps between 75 to 85.
thanks a lot for that, I can get 125 stable fps on every map including radar with foliage 1.
your eyes can't even see the difference between 85 and 125 frames per second :> so the "it doesn't feel as smooth" is placebo
You do notice it when ur eyes are getting tired faster
You can't see it unless you move your mouse, if you watch someone else play, it looks same, but i can feel the difference between 100hz and 120hz in any game if i just move my mouse around... I doubt im superman, so im pretty sure others can notice it too, if they have played with 120 or any other refresh rate for a while and then its switched.
well, i've always used lcd-screens @ 75hz so i can't say anything bout higher rates but i always thought ur eyes could see a difference uptill 60hz
See, yes, maybe... But if you use mouse and just move around a bit, you can feel your sens feels wrong, and "sluggish" with lower hz than you are used to. I can't say that i can tell what hz the monitor is at but i can definetly feel when it's NOT 120hz :P
how about the herz.. dont know how many mine monitor is... the higher the herz the faster ET moves ?
i can see it in my Nvidia display-settings page, if ur hertz is set to 75 and ur maxfps is set to 125 there won't be a difference because your monitor can't refresh 125 times per second
well if i have my monitr hz at 85 and if i change my com maxfps from 125 to 333 eg then i can see difference, difference in which case 333 is much more smoother.
dunno but maybe i'm retarded or smth like it..
try it out bind a button to com maxfps to 125 and other button to 333 eg and go try playing at public i guess u see the difference.
oké then :) i'll believe you, don't have any experience with it myself but i heared/read somewhere it was only noticeable upto 60...my bad then
Hm... the average eye can take in a stream of almost endless of information, but your brain won't render it, but you would still notice it I guess.

Play for a while with 100hz and 100fps and then play around with +- 10fps/HZ, if you don't notice anything it's wierd.
if your brain doesn't render, you won't notice it afaik
and idd, a difference between 10 and 100fps is noticeable but from 60 to 100 isn't i think
Ehm... What I wrote was 90/100/110 fps/hz.

That you won't notice it even if you don't render it is not true, do you remember the old times with cut in advertising in films(could be like 4 fps of a glas of coke FE)?

I have played on a 100hz screen for like 3 weeks, then I changed back to 85, took about 1week+ before I could stay by the pc more than 1h before I went tired or irritated eyes. :-X

That you wont notice anything is just bullcrap from people that is used to TV only or plays on 60hz monitors or something, you won't notice a very big change when you go up in the fps/hz scale, but when you go down it is HUGE.
Quoteyour eyes can't even see the difference between 85 and 125 frames per second

Thats just utter bullshit, ofcourse you notice a diffrence.
To not see the flickering of an image, you need atleast 70-100fps (of that you are correct).
But to make a motion seem "real" it's said you would need no less than (atleast) 500fps.

But over to what jAz asked for.. fps is about alot more than just the image you see on the monitor.
For example: It's easy to see that the mouse responds alot faster with 125 fps.

Move it back and forth with 85, then with 125.
Feel the diffrence?

So altough it doesnt make much of a diffrence for the refreshrate, i would still recommend it if you like it :)
thanks for the replies all :)
43-76-125-333 fps are better for trickjumping etc.. quake engine
clanbase config contains:
b_fixedphysics 1
b_fixedphysicsfps 125
which make that it does not matter how many fps you have =)
unless fps are unstable.
you wrote "make" twice N/O
333 and over for a highly reduced spread also, but it is(or is supposed to be) restricted in competition configs.
just use 125 :)
com_maxfps 100, cl_maxpackets 100, sensitivity 100 ! GG
i guess u meant all of them as console commands com_, cg_...then why the fuck sensitivity 100 :O
125 is fine
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