new sh1t

just ordered:

Asus P5E3 Deluxe & Intel Core 2 Extreme QX9650

price: 1200 Euro (only for cpu+mainboard)

edit: Can't wait for new nvidia gfx-cards :}
overkill and totally useless
not rly. Core 2 Extreme QX9650 is a lot better than the Core 2 Extreme QX6850...
give me ur money :<
just wait some years and you will earn enough money to buy sth like that. ;)
whos paying for it? i want one too :(
I inherited 2 houses. 1 in Portugal and 1 here in Germany. And I let the houses. So I have enough money atm. :O}
can i rent the house in portugal for my next vacation for eehm 0 €? :D
nah sry, there is already a family living in it. :p
me is still waiting for the real quadcores, not just 2 dualcores mixed in a chip.
In stores = November, 12th 2007 for around 1000$

could be my next one 2 but i'll wait another few months (1st Q of 2008 = CPU time)
wolls net rl pwnen?
stfu n44bl3t! xD!
buy yourself a companion cube
oki, I will buy the mini companion cube.
And tonight you invite teh whores?
u have to much moneh!
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