cybergames please

i dont understand that server... cybergames always has more hackers in them servers that any other ETPRO servers i've been to. but why?! is there a reason that they all go there?
yup, tracker..
Yes , because it has stream so they can test if its waterproofed
because there aren't admins so the hackers can do whatever they want
the admin, has proberly banned around 100 people at pbbans, and he keeps submitting them to pbbans
but the admin is not 24/7 on the cybergames so hackers still playing there

he looks at pbss's and submits them... and a lot get auto banned from pbbans
You're welcome :)
becoz there is a warconfig and i have no sensfeeling changes like on bio / efter or u|k
there wasnt a cheater on the server when i was there a few min ago.
that server sux so hard man...
everyone keeps telling this but I have seen overall only couple of hackers there
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