ETQW mod

Sensor is planning on making a mod for ETQW when the SDK gets released.

So far our monkeys came up with this:
-smaller & new maps
-remove all heavy/slow vehicles, keep the fast onces like hog
-remove all slow gameplay elements
*strogg revive spawnhost shit
*spawnpoints beeing ridiculously far away
*spawntimes having retarded times like 17
*beeing able to see to see the enemy spawn halfway across the map
-faster strafing and movement (lvl 0 should play like spikeboost upgrade)
-make the engine more scalable (vertexlightning and other fps commands)
-plasma/grenade launcher should be avi at lvl 0
-plasma/grenade launcher should play faster => you should be able to grenade and follow up with bullets.
-remove radar
-remove turrets
-remove retarded SW mode
-crouch sliding/doublejumping/more aircontrol
-add Carmagedon SP gameplay mode
-reintroduce the noobunfriendly element of missing-your-spawn aka 'nice full!!!! x'D
-Faster spaws, retarded para stuff
-Even better, remove the whole parachute shit
Thumbs up for:
-smaller & new maps
-remove all slow gameplay elements
*strogg revive spawnhost shit
*spawnpoints beeing ridiculously far away
*spawntimes having retarded times like 17
*beeing able to see to see the enemy spawn halfway across the map
-faster strafing and movement (lvl 0 should play like spikeboost upgrade)
-make the engine more scalable (vertexlightning and other fps commands)
-plasma/grenade launcher should be avi at lvl 0
-plasma/grenade launcher should play faster => you should be able to grenade and follow up with bullets.
-remove radar
-remove retarded SW mode
wtf *strogg spawnhostthing?

wanna make it faster?

and hf with creating some new maps within a few months... mod will take 1 year if you wanna release it with some decent maps

but gl
aint it gonna look like ET then.. (i dont know et:QW ) but if u remove al those things imo its loses its speciality
i'd actually buy the game
what about a new installer: uninstalls etqw and automatically installs et?
Make strog revive normal like GDF instead of taking a good 10 seconds to revive someone!
asymetric sides, its cool imo and should stay, strogg medic (dunno what its called) would be overpowered then, giving ammo and reviving instantly..
Since when do you need more ammo than what you spawn with? x-]
25% done overdrive is helping with the coding
Sounds like shit.
its a mod for ETQW
Sounds more like mud for ETQW
Dont touch the strogg spawnhosts! :<
In other words, make it ET with other skins. x-D
SD will hire u for saving their game :D
Whats sensor?
he's the spiritual leader of
image: osho
Oh oke, please dont fuck this up, make it good. Please.
wtf happened to my filter?!! :<<
ET with worse fps :) ?
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