pc prob (ger allowed)

If i start my computer i got 800x 600x solution (size) , and then he change to 1024x mhh , i mean normally i got directly 1024x . Also the symbols on the desk are in the middle he didnt save the 1024x settings any idea? all the times he goes first with 800 then he change after 10 sec to 1024.

any idea?

At the beginn it start with 800 then 1024 and it looks like this.

It's because of the Windows Wallpaper.
Horrible wallpaper
was nen abgefucktes wallpaper xD
schau ma was du im autostart hast...und bei den symbolen einfach auf "automatisch anordnen" -.-°
fand des mit den symbolen lustig :c
haha aso, ja^^
iwie schon :p
ich habe deine mutter gefickt in arsch!!!!!
i got 2 daddies
wast redest du so, bist du doof oda was??? du huensohn! wieckse arschloch!
DUDE, WAIT? solution ? he ?
man, you really must be addicted to computers, you think they are real persons :|
copy + paste from ur other journal...

theoretisch kannst du es auch in der registry einstellen:

Start -> ausführen -> "regedit"

dann in:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM \CurrentControlSet\HardwareProfiles\Current\System\CurrentControlSet\SERVICES\

Dort müsstest "Device0" finden (unter Umständen auch noch in einem Unterordner).
Hier drin sind verschiedene Registry-Schlüssel, z.B.

DefaultSettings.BitsPerPel = farbquali
DefaultSettings.VRefresh = taktung vom monitor

DefaultSettings.XResolution und DefaultSettings.YResolution = Auflösung

Ändere es zur Not einfach dann sollte es auch funzen !
Maybe autoadjust your monitor 1 time?
image: mydesktop
lol'd @ the Ipod :D

I got the same in real :D
i got a sony ericsson walkmanhandy... works even better than having handy + some random musicplayer ;)
same but ipod > mobile phone :}
not rly .. only if we talk about stlye :p
about the sound quality + style + ipod is a legend :O}
sound quality of ipods really suck... tbh its really not good and its just not "open source" :D like needing itunes etc

but anyway i'd use it if i would own one ;) in style ipod > *
funcionability / interface > *
but soundquality and use @ pc etc < *
I can't agree with the point that you need itunes... I'm @ Linux and there are so many programs to put the music on the Ipod and to create playlists, etc.. same for windows...
mhk delete that point... but soundquality still suxx :P and i dont know anybody whos ipod didn't got damaged after approximately 1-2years :)
soundquality isn't so bad. :< and you can install linux on it! then you can paly nice games like doom! xD
mh its worse than on other players... especially if they cost as much as the ipods ;)
so tru. overrated player but the design is nice
wenn das stimmt, was noor schreibt, enpfehl ich Dir: WIN neu installn - du wirst die Treiberkonflikte definitv NIE komplett weg bekommen ... mit USB-konflikten hab ich mich lang genug rumgeärget, da hilfts au nix mehr in der registry zu pfuschen

Desweiteren würd ich lieber nach dem Grund suchen, warums Dir einen nach dem andren Treiber schießt? -> Virus?
daniel hats gehackt
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