encore busted?


do the medic look like hes seeing more than he should?XD
i wolfcamed the demo from his pov, i didnt stick out of the wall

msg encore`blachta
hax hax hax
nice preshoot :DD
ya hax plz thx bb
lol i was thinking i needed sound then it struck me if he was pre-shooting why would he shoot the wall :D
maybe he love walls ;d
Could be lack of aim.
i didnt get hit so my hitboxes were well hidden i guess :<
and usually there is hitbox sticking out of the corner, even if ur player model is hidden (liek valhalla or sth)
Np. I shoot walls all the time, wall accuracy is around 75%.
Bot? I usally have liek 48% :(
thats obvious ;)

(btw...i hat fucking BIO server... awaiting matchstart 25000...then connecting to server and baaam fucking pb kicked me because no name >.< ) [/spam]
i played against him today and he ego-quited after 10mins cos they got owned :(
ure wrong, today we played only 1 pracc (and not with u) and 1 offi so fu :)
never heard about mix's?
well i dunno about u but encore played atleast..
i didnt get hit by him though :<
Concrete hater
Maybe upload this demo?
well, couldnt he heard him? or, i used to pre-shoot in that place at the begining of every match, so its nothing special imo. he should give whole demo, this is not proof
edit: well, i noticed that he shooted at wall, its strange idd :/
edit2:no im still thinking axis guy were running at the begining of clip so he could hear him, just look at this allies medic, when axis was pretty close to him he suddenly change his position, so it means that he heard him. i dunno, blachta should just upload demo
bad lean imo!
I think the same, but klejf didn't upload the demo, so... we won't have a chance to check it. :P
He's even coming in at an angle at which he might be able to see him even if the lean was right.
youre fat and when you leaned your big ass was poking out. no hax!
god I hate people that lean, and even more people that cant lean without showing half their body
stop playing et and come d2, noob
lolada, I thought it's hearable :I
Evrytime a newb is hiding on this corner,isnt it normal to preshoot to prevent for damn leaners ? :S
ffs, I agree :[
yea, this is shit not proof, klejf go fuck urself
/me is searching klejf +goatsex on google WIIIIIIIIII 1337 HITS! :D
klejf... before you lean there, you first throw NADE!... so we now where you are :<
i didnt throw any nade
every day here we got avis with guys aiming through walls/stones doing 180/360 and shooting 3 hs and they aren't banned becouse "avi isn't a proof"... klejf do you must be such a poltard? loose with honor :X first you complaining about the time then you complained about spec #get_a_life imo :X
changing a flag doesnt make u seem non-polish lolz

180 turns with 3hs are kinda normal, shooting to the wall exactly in the time im standing by it isnt

your skillboost after getting owned hard on frost was strange also
@ frost we play 5v6 because lamek had a ping 300-900 and 2nd reason is frost = lotto map :<
sad but true.
klejf pogodz sie z przegrana :<
przegrana boli :XD
im polish and im happy about it but its sad that retards like u still live in this coutry... about skillboost - frost playd 4 time this lineup 4 time lost + playing 5v6 - gold/radar played a lot in last month... its only a game sometimes u win sometimes u loose now its your turn to loose so loose like a man not like a fck 3 years old girl
"complaining about the time then you complained about spec #get_a_life imo :X"
"so loose like a man not like a fck 3 years old girl"
Tell me, who the fuck acts like 3 years old girl :D?
i hate fucking high ego - hallo klejf xD
klejf plz

music 1/10
quality 1.5/10
frag 0.5/10

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