hello japan :)

2 days untill i leave :) just saying good bye to everyone and good luck with everything. Ill try to post some pics of me pwning the japs on sf3 and smashing up the sony store.

Pot, Kevlar, ste, slash, b12, golly, rich <3 u know my msn/hotmail so ill stay in touch with ya

If by any chance anyone is going to japan im living @ : moto-azuabu, minato-ku, tokyo. november + 2-3 months


&#12373;&#12424;&#12394;&#12425; <------ kanji text doesnt work ?
&#12391;&#12399;&#12414;&#12383; <------ kanji text doesnt work ?
Sounds cool, have fun!
i heard your cool
he was born cool.
pls send greetz to hiRo nakamura from me
lucky you :( hf
31 yrs old nee to be in touch with inet friends on a journey

I lol'd

hf breezy !
I'll miss you :( can remember you were talking about this back when we were in vslags :D god time flies! My msn is the emailadress @ crossfire so you can add me so we can stay in contact too!

I hope you have a blast mate :)
omg im so fucking jealouus hf dude
Have fun! :o
Asian characters don't work on crossfire.
don't get raped
fleeing the country cuz of the essexboy are we?

ayeaye then

hf with ur worldwide trickjumping <3 :p
I wanna go to japan too! =(
Please buy an japanise girl for me, I pay in cookies!
gl, just curious your reason for going?

study? "for the hell of it"? work?
cheap slaves, wow gold farmers, japanese school girls, hentai.

The list is endless.
This list is stupid.
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