Ragnarok battle offline

yeah this game rly rox, i am stucked on it like for 3rd day ^^
check it here
download @ http://rboffline.sitesled.com/index.htm
so what's this, ragnarok online vs npcs or what?
did u checked the video? :P
btw i think the name says all :]
i didn't notice the here button at first, so youtubed it myself, seems weird.

Battle could be anything though, simply the original ragnarok with pvp or smth
ok, there are classes from ragnarok, and u are playing it offline, just some killing against monsters and bosses from ragnarok online.. theres no story or anything, its just pure killing but it rly ownz as relax :] (that means it good when stoned ;P)
looks like the tekken mode where you run through the levels and kick the shit out off your enemies :o
yea it is ;P
thought so seems fun... how long does it last? :P
for long :] there are already original game +3 expansions, but one problem, whole game is in korean language xD
but there is patch for expansion 3rd expansion so you can play it in english but u cant 1st and 2nd 9unless u are korean language skiller ^^)
hmm do you learn the skills based on which level you are or is this some crazy shit like lf2 where you have to hit the buttons in the right combination to do some WTFZOMFGBBQ combos? :D
u are earning lvls by dealing damage (exp given after area completed), on each lvl u recieve some stat points which are spended on str, dex, luk, vit,int and agi, and skill points which are spended for skills, there are skill trees like when u have this skill @ lvl 3 it will unlock another skill and u are starting the skills with combos, but they are not so crazy as in little fighter :]
kk thx mate dling atm :o
not working :< i installed it but if i click the button just nothing happens :,<
where can I find a EU mirror for this game?
best downloading via torrent... i can give you http link but it kina sux, its limited for 200kb/s but i was downloading like 60 becouse the server is somewhere in america...
all important things can be found on this forum http://www.ragnarokbattle.com/forum (like the english patch, guides, links to torrents, links to http download)
read the name ;P
but its not boring, trust me its rly funny :P
*cough* ragnarok battle OFFLINE must be online IMO >.<
xD yeah it is but I'm trained in it so nP 4 me :D
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