4Kings @ CoD4

Top UK gaming team 4Kings have added a new Call of Duty 4 squad.

some known names of call of duty 2...

United Kingdom palmz (former: team-dignitas)
United Kingdom junior (former: Reason-Gaming)
United Kingdom corp (former: Devoted)
United Kingdom wiz (former: Reason-Gaming, TmG)
Ireland crow (former: Serious-Gaming, Check-Six)

how can you make a team from a game no one has played?
they nolife demo for skillz!
They is playing CoD4 demoz, getting teh skillz
sp demo shows all!!!!!1111 HIGHSKILLED
they haz teh skillz alreadyz
really nice! gl!
i am downloading the demo right now...
is it possible to go online with the demo too? or is it just some random singleplayer maps with limited options?
random singleplayer demo with some skill -> 5 minutes to the win :D
that team doesnt really impressive me, id love to see the reasoning for this aside from geepak working with many of them in tmg, working with, does not account for gameplay

they already lost to fourvisions ctf team 13-6 or smth on burgundy in a cod2 cup last night i beleive

gl though, maybe they will impress
Most results are void though now, most teams that perform well now are those that feel that they have to grab the opportunity they get in for instance the EC.
Try finding a decent match nowadays, the only reason most teams still play COD2 is to play for the sake of playing until COD4 comes.
fourvisons is one of the best team atm o0
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