ETQW demo problem

Hi guys

I have a problem in quake wars which I can not solve without your help :[

I downloaded several demos from the challengeTV page and tried to watch them on my computer, but everytime I enter the demo name it gives me this error back:

WARNING: sdDemo::ReadHeader : wrong protocol version on demos/NC_pelit_devia_a
rea22_doomsteri.ndm (655376 should be 655377)

Does anyone of you know what the problem could be? I play on the full version of ETQW and as far as I know, these demos are from full version too, please help me :[

Greetings Mili
maybe wrong extension?
If Im downloading demos for ET then I need to do .dm_84 by my self.

or wrong patch :D

pro enrish
maybe read the header again
ah.. then maybe wrong patch
install a second version of the game with patch 1.1
format. (or uninstall etqw)
It's the patch. The demos recorded before the patch don't work on a patched etqw version.
1.0 -> 1.1 incompatible
1.1 -> 1.2 incompatible

i do have 6 quake wars versions installed by now (including the betas, still got demos from there)
wow, so SD didnt really think about that when they released those patches...
ofc they did! But when the network traffic changes they cant downgrade the protocol. So yes its annoying but understandable
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