Connecting problems :(

I have problems connecting to servers.:(
I cant connect to most servers, it just says "awaiting connection". I cant find any connection errors when I try to read the console.

-Tried shutting of my firewall/antivirus software

- Tried updating PB

- I can connect to some servers ( cybergames and another public, dont remember the name of it)

- I have tried restarting my computer several times.

- I have a pretty decent internet connection (10/2)

I would be thrilled if someone could help me.
hmm. first thing would be to reset modem/router?

then try different servers. if not i would say a reinstall was in order, or open your console and see if it says anything.
It got sorted out by itself this morning...I didnt even have to reinstall ET. Thanks for showing interest in helping me anyways RazZaH and Scarzy!
reinstall et or format imo :>
Ye, I guess a reinstall is my next move. Formatted my PC just a couple of days ago.
nice selfbust
I´m so low it wouldnt even be worth the time to bust me :(
I´m pretty sure it has got something to do with PB. A friend of mine had the same problem, he got the message; "PB handshake failure" or something like that in console.
next time press on the Reply button ok? its there by the way ------------------------------------------------------------------^
Oh, sorry. I didnt think I needed to notify you that I am going to reinstall ET.
lol :P

my fault.. i thought u dont know how to reply cuz u r new here in the community ( 14 days)

never mind ^^
hf here and gl with your prob
:D haha, yeah. I´m a noob here, but I wasn´t born yesterday though.
It got sorted out by itself this morning...I didnt even have to reinstall ET. Thanks for showing interest in helping me anyways RazZaH and Scarzy!
Anyone seen schnee? :(
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