What do you guys want to hear?

Well I've recently wrote reviews on TF2 and Quake Wars, and I was wondering what topics you guys would want me to talk about/give my views on. This doesn't have to be a review, It can just be my opinion on a certain aspect of a game, etc. I can also tell you Euros about ET in the US for example.
stick with ET, pls :)

so tell about the US ET!
Assassins Creed <3 :)
another of those "ahah i can kill (kill as in, cut him in 254pieces with my sword) a guy while 3people stand behind me, all with a sword, all ready to attack, BUT THEY DO NOTHING BUT WATCH ME CUTTING THEIR BUDDY IN 254PIECES"

gg fosho
imo u never seen assasins creed gameplay...
i saw the retarded youtube trailer, and theres exactly that scene in it..

u talk about this?

Hmmm... It looks like they are attacking every time player character is turned back to them... If u know something about REAL fencing then u know its not about slashing etc but about timing and being patient...

Imo fighting in this game is very similar to real fencing
ET in the US, if theres such a thing xD
ET in the Us, but I heard it's almost dead
Yep - plz write sumthin' about US ET scene, what it used to be and what it is now(I see it's still alive as there are a few bigass american jaymod/etpub servers :D)
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