question @ quake/warsow

Atm im playing warsow and some quake games. It seems all the pros knowns when the megahealth, red armor etc spawns. So my question :

around which times they spawn?
Mega Health
Respawns 20 seconds after the player who picked it up has 100 health or below.

All armors spawn after 25 seconds.

Quad Damage
Spawns 90 seconds after someone took it.

Spawns 180 seconds after someone took it.

PS: not sure about that megahealth, it can be 25 too. Havent played war$ow for a while :P
thanks alot :)

btw I cant remember all those things when I have to aim, jump, kill :D
20 - 25 - 90 - 180. Not hard to remember ;D
depends on a map\gameplay type too
in duels its like this:

armor 25
random items 20
mega 20 secs after it wears out = health returned to 100

In duels its all about learning the rythm. When you pick up an important item make a 'mental note'. After some time you will automaticly feel when certain items are about to spawn.
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