Unwise admin made me laugh!!!

So today I played #unwise 2v2 cup.
We made it to the final and then something funny happens.

The cup page say that they use clanbase rules so we use side in final.
Admin said not allowed so we lost a lot of time with it and lost the first map braundorf.
Then we played supply where we izi bashed them.

So the decider is frostbite: we already played that map vs t4ce in sem-final with the same admin. Both teams used side so NP.

So me and zak Push side and axis cry again that we use side. They leave and 10 min later he said that we loose forfeit cause using side twice.

THX to admin unw`evl

1) You change rules in game.
2) We never used side 2 times like you said cause first time we did SK.
3) Why can you use side in semi-final and not in final?
4) I had to wait 35minutes cause they had "ping problems".
5) I won the same cup last week and I used side in final.
6) Made me laugh
7) I know it's a stupid 1-day cup but it's just so funny.

thx for reading my emo-story!
go and cut yourself, bibuy
i so dont care
truly an emo :<

Last week: Visual won!
This week we had to win again :s
1) That admin sux, check how he made brackets :< ( cutting papers pls.
2) If you're saying they have to use CB rules, and then forfeit-lose, then you're wrong mate.
3) the same rules are for the whole cup, or the admin have to anounce it in the begin.
4) 10min, otherwise forfeitlose
5) can't come up with something ^^
6) funnyboi :)
7) I was in it too and lost by rulechanging!? wtf?

thanks for all guys who supporting me and other victums.
CUpwebsite say: USe cb rules
"Then we played supply where we izi bashed them."
no you didnt you emo.

2) We never used side 2 times like you said cause first time we did SK.
you didnt selfkill you emo

4) I had to wait 35minutes cause they had "ping problems".
be happy I had 400 ping all the time, otherwise you woulda lost even harder you emo.

6) Made me laugh
no it made you cry, look at this post?! - you emo.

7) I know it's a stupid 1-day cup but it's just so funny.
you whined like it was your life, you emo.
put the emo- in your emo, aka the emo-da-emo.
EUhm If there was 1 person whining it was you!!!

1) Whine cause of pings
2) Ping whine again$
3) Admin, help us: they cheat
4) omg they use side;
5) you just leave

TRUE I was the whiner!
hehe, yea you are :P look at your post :D hahaha, seriously dude, your pathetic.

3) Admin, help us: they cheat
I didn't say that :D I asked u in the beginning, if you weren't busted :D
you can't be cheating, you suck too fucking much.

well I won't disturbed your wrist cuttin' anymore. Bye nigger.
You said 5 times vs admin that we knew to much etc.
mmh, but we won ^^
You didn't, a retard said you won.
your so fucking retard :<
you Sir, are a retard!
rofl what a retard
mm nice retard lol
Funny only responding to the points that "fit" you :>

And personal attacks is allways a sign that you dont have anything better to post. Think you have lost :o
k, brb crying just like circus.
shit cup anyway!
true, like that damn nice cookies I just ate.
unwise sucks.
I dont care
dont play in stupid cups then...problem solved
tbh , CB isnt specific about using side or not

I just checked the ladder rules and found nothing considering side :S

If anyone has a link it would be great
If cb say nothing about side then it's allowed :s

When it's not in the rules then it's allowed.
Not really , the admin can decide weither it may be used or not ...
No lol :s.
If there is no specific rule , the admin must decide ...

Duh, otherwise you can make up rules yourself

Like: If you make 4kills in a row you must selfkill or sth...
lol gij dommerik, als het er niet in staat mag het zo simpel is het. Als iets niet in de wet staat mag Leterme da ook niet op zijn eentje aanpassen é :s.
en je vb dat je geeft slaat op niks é. Dat je je eigen regels kan maken heeft er niks mee te maken :s.
Jong ik bedoel als ze iets vragen , bv als het onduidelijk is of niet is gezegd

Dat de admin dan moet beslissen of het mag of niet

En regels is iets anders dan wet

Heb ik op school al vaak genoeg meegemaakt
yes admin may decide, but if he dont make it, then there is only common sense left. and it tells me that a mapmaker had something on mind when creating side on frostbite :D

they have already played with side in semifinal. that was okay. but admin didnt say about it in final so they played due to the same rules as in semifinal. and admin said its not ok. well...
Agree , but the admin stated in final that they couldnt use side ...

Even so , using side in 2on2 ? seems to be pretty lame to me

Thats like playing a 2on2 on quake wars using the entire map :S
agree, 2on2 should be without
Yeah, sure. Every admin have to decide whether it's allowed for Allies to go into an Axis bank on Gr withput permission, because there's no specific rule about that. :/
They asked it during the match imo
And then it depends on the mood in which way he decides? Bullshit. This may work if it's a neutral admin who knows how to handle his job. But this admin has proven that he can't do this in a way which is just neutral, which u easily can see by the fact that he decides in 2 matches oppositely.
Some cups have different rules for finals tbh
thats true, one of them is playing two maps instead of one, or the rule of playing final on LAN instead of inet. but i didnt hear about other rulechanges for a final tbh, especially changes to the gameplay itself
#care.et that a lot of 'admins' cant handle it ?
It is pretty idiotic, agree, admins do it though.
funny is inappropriate word. we clearly see you are just angry =)
i was paid soz for you high team !
You make me laugh guy with your lowbrain age mental !
Omg, admin did something bad, i gonna say that to my mum !
"Omg I did something bad and someone is whining about it, I'll just call him a whiny baby and I won't fix it"
he didnt do anything bad :p you shoulda been at the match.

Circus (Trix) was just .. Crying out louder than loud, cause he was about to loose his 1 DAY CUP FINAL!!!!! OMGOMG

1 day cup or not, the admins should do the job properly - as far as I see from this discussion they didn't and now they pretend nothing has happened.
We would had won easily but you left and pm'med admin to tell him :( cry cry
dude.. come back to the real world.
we owned you in Braundorf. I had 500 ping through whole cup and still owned your ass.
You won with 22 seconds on Supply (yea izi bash)

On frost 3-4 minutes passed, and you didn't get the CP. Then we /quit cuz you were just SO upset cause you were about to loose, plus I couldnt rlly play with my ping.

and I just told the admin, that it was fun to play in his cup. But what do you know about being mature and kind.
You inbreed of a retard.
1 )You won on braundorf cause we lost a lot of time with going side and sk everytime etc and we couldnt focus on the game.

2) You had 180 ping and not 500 lol.

3) We won in 9minutes on sd in a 2v2. If you play a lot 2v2 you know that's verry good time

4) Admin restarted frost after 45 seconds and not 3-4 minutes retard.

5) We liked cup too, only not the final. Last week was fun with decent admin. thx.
Lolol first you say 300 ping and now 500 gg
Lolol maybe it changed between 300 and 500. You fucking idiot.

Hope to see guys like you at lan, so I can give ya a fucking beatup. fuckin random newb.
Tbh you are the lowtard here

First you whined you had 300 and now 500 instead of saying you had 300-500 from the start...
Well I didn't talk to you from the start, I was talking to Circus, and he SAW my ping there, if you wanted to know about it you could start by asking, bøsserøv.
No I dont , I just pointed out that you changed the numbers
If your brain were a bit more mature, you would understand that I was just trying to tell that I had a damn high ping.
wether it's 300 or 500 doesnt matter for me, its damn hard to play with anyway.
so grow up, nigger.
I remember its easyer to play with 300 than with 500

And if you could be more openminded ,you would know that lyars mix up their own made up facts easily...

It doesnt matter now ,this is old news
not for me. I play with 48-50 always.

and the fucking point was I was lagging, is that k for u kid?

- it so much is, but ur just being annoying.
Lol man , i play with 48-50 most of the time aswell and I had 300 once during a match and there was nearly no difference ...
hahahah evl, thats the EXACT shape of Circus!
Trix = retard, who cares about this journal.
+ Last time we played that cup me and circus also used side on Frostbite and was allowed 2 of the 2 admins were speecing so :p
bad connection ;)

ur from belgium so.. practically a polak.
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