Q3 problems

i updated my cpma with osp 1.43 but still cant connect. wtf?
i got the right map i guess
could any1 upload his q3 or know the answer? pls
why would you update cpma with osp?
cause i want to play on osp servers ?:>
what? you have no clue what mods there are/how they work do you? Updating CPMA with OSP, heh
i dont, i just did what the "proplayas" said :D
the only thing really played atm is CPMA, cpma has 2 gamemodes in it, CPM and OSP(vq3) you basically just need cpma 1.43(or 1.44 beta) to play on most servers. fags that stay with old OSP only(hasnt been updated in like 3 years..) are retards
so? what should i do?:D
check the server you want to play on, it SHOULD be cpma 1.43,which you can get at www.promode.org but if its OSP then you need to get OSP q3 (outdated shit) from http://www.orangesmoothie.org/
i already downloaded 1.43 and updated cpma files, still nothing happened
refresh server list allways
cl_allowdownload 0 !!
well, I still have to refresh the list or I get disconnected from server immediately.. Before that I had the problem of getting disconnected because of some missing files which I couldn't get because the server didn't allow download (quakersnet) and I didn't know I had cl_allowdownload 1. After setting cl_allowdownload 0 I could play, because the missing files were not needed for this version of cpma.

No error message to share with us? Or missing files? Scroll up your console and look for any messages why you get disconnected.
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