Headset :<

Ok my headset died on me a few minutes ago, and I was wondering if you could help me finding a new one.

I'm looking for an affordable, but good-quality headset.
Somewhere in the pricerange from €25,- to €50,-

Sorry for making this journal, since I know it has been made already a thousand times, but headsets keep evolving so older topics are rather irrelevant :)
Logitech Performance gaming.. tbh :)
My 5 euro headset is already in use for like 6 months. Nice sounds, Nice micro and still not broken
nice sound untill you try another
kenker how long have u been banned ffs ?
actually had permanent ban but I stopped the computer for a while (only 30 minutes a day or smth), and now I'm kinda getting some sorta social life (work, hanging around with friends, that shizz), and my pc addiction is gone. This pc addiction was coherent to my whining and spamming and acting like a child n stuff. I apoligised to the admin who banned me, and now it's fine :)
i'd say sennheiser, but i've never tried any steelsound, icemat or razer headset
i think you can get a pc150 for less than 50 euro
edit: although it's not a headset, i can really recommend the sennheiser HD201
bought mine for only 15 euros and the sound quality is far better than any of the pc-series i've owned
ok, thx m8, I'll try that 1 I think :)
thx, but that 1 doesn't have a microphone, smth which I do need attatched to it, so that would make me need a headset ^^
i know, i only bought that one because i never use a microphone anymore

pc150 is a good choice
My creative has lasted me a while. HS-600
np4me sony mdr-v700 dj for 130 Euro xD
Sennheiser HD201 - mine. They are very good but micless :<
Logitech Precision Gaming Headset is nice imo ^^
I have it!!!

save a few bucks, and buy a pc-161 imo! or then buy an icemat siberia headset (which I had)... they're NOT BAD, they feel really nice, when comparing to sennheisers, but the sound is not as nice... =)
I'd get a good headphone and a seperate microphone.
explain why :)
Well, it will cost you a bit more, that's why I didn't elaborate on my comment.
A good headphone has many advantages. The sound quality of a such a headphone will always be superior to the sound quality of headsets. If you often go to LANs, you can buy a closed-back headphone to attenuate background noise.
A seperate mic gives you more freedom. You can eat and don't have to worry about food sticking to your mic ;D Another advantage: You can talk while listening to music from your speakers.
woot, never thought of it this way, thanks man, I know what to ask for christmas/birthday (both @ 26th of december ^^)
i'll say it again, steelseries siberia black
you mean icemat? :)
yep, but icemat is dead
creative fatality
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