
here's the deal homies : i have a retarted computer of +- 40GB but it runs fine so i don't give a damn. today i formatted this motherfucker and now i am installing windows SP2. here's the problem : i have 2 harddrives C:/ (which is about 4.5gig) and D:/ (33gig). now SP2 is installing on the C harddrive and it stops before half of the install saying that there is not enough space on the harddrive. when i start up the installer op SP2 i noticed i can't choose the directory i want to put SP2 in so it automatically saves it to the C drive. this makes C:/ my main harddrive which is seriously fucked up because it's 4gig (too little space). is there any way to make make all programs i install from now on install to the D drive?
hum i guess, but dunno how...
but you can simply select this harddrive in the installation...
Your PC needs some trinitrotoluene.
you can install them on the D drive but there will always be something installed on the C:/. And having a C and D on a 40gig HD isnt really smart. You dont gonna have much more performance by splitting up those 2 on such a small HD
i got the computer this way , it never bothered me (until now) so i never changed it
Well, the problem is, you installed your windows on your C:/ drive, so that's where your rootfiles are, and servicepack2 needs to overwrite some of those rootfiles, so it really needs to be installed on your C:/ drive. Maybe try formatting your pc again, and either just take one single partition containing the full diskspace, or make two seperate, the first being 10 gb, and the second being 30 gb. That way you'll surely know you'll have enough disk space for the future updates and other system files.
what you're saying is what i was thinking :p however it is installed on the C drive now. but i still didn't receive an answer on how i can install all programs automatically on the D drive
that's unluckily not possible, since every installscript is handmade by the programmers (and if not, it's standardly @ C:/), you'll have to change it manually everytime m8 :(
Pc abuser
ssssst :D
ye np4me, when do we meet? And take ur cooler out of the pc so it is gettin' hot in there :D:D:D
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