for manutd fans. (and arsenal)


Most United fans I know have dealt with the crushing blow Arsenal delivered us in injury time on Saturday, and accepted the draw for what it was, a good result. We’d have taken a 2-2 before kick off, away from home against the in form team in the league, and in a game which was pretty even, taking a point will do. Of course it would have been incredible to take all three points from the Emirates, but the draw is more suitable for the way the game panned out, and we’d be wise not to focus too much on the time their equaliser was scored.

There are several positives to be taken from the game, and we need to pay more attention to them. Firstly, the Gooners had to work bloody hard to scrape just a point at home against us. Whilst elated with an injury time goal, I’d be feeling rather concerned if United had only just managed to salvage a point at home against Arsenal.

Secondly, for all of Arsenal’s possession, they created little to nothing in the first half, and their five man midfield could not get past Anderson and Hargreaves. Whilst being credited for their one touch passes and free flowing football, the second half saw Arsenal giving the ball away right, left and centre, unable to pull off their quick passing against us.

Thirdly, it tells you an awful lot about a game if the Man of the Match award is given to a defender. Whilst of course Gallas will receive plaudits for bagging the equalising goal, it can not be awarded for that alone. When the two best teams in the country meet, and the home side finds a defender as their best player, it certainly indicates which side were the more domineering. I’d have fully expected one of our defenders to be our best player, having to deal with the onslaught Wenger’s kids were supposedly going to deliver. However, it was our midfield man Anderson, our very own kid, who had the best performance for us.

Finally, Ferguson has addressed my favourite point today, and it is in relation to the reaction of the Arsenal players and fans at the final whistle. Of course, an injury time goal which prevents a loss is going to be a happy occasion, particularly against a title rival. But there was something rather desperate about Arsenal’s post match antics. The United players left the field with their heads hung, disappointed to pick up just one point at the Emirates, whilst in contrast, the Arsenal players remained on the field, hugging and cheering. It was quite remarkable to see a team who are supposed to be our title rivals so happy to only draw with us at home.

Sir Alex has today said the rejoicing didn’t end there, as they continued to celebrate their one point in the dressing room. “At the end of the Arsenal game, our players were in the dressing room feeling absolutely sick,” he said. “That’s twice in two years they’ve turned the game around and got something in the last minute, so we were definitely disappointed to come away with a draw. Meanwhile, their dressing room was elated. They were celebrating as if they’d won the World Cup, which I found very interesting. Our players took something out of that, psychologically. I think we’re a better team than Arsenal now. They’re a young team and they’re going to be a very good team – there’s no question of that – but we went there when they were on top form and they hardly managed a shot on goal. There were definitely a lot of positives for us.”

Sir Alex Ferguson is the master of the mind games, whatever attempts Wenger, Mourinho and Benitez have brought to the table over recent years, and this certainly is a heavy shot on the Arsenal team, who will have hopefully realised the error of their ways. To be so openly ecstatic about picking up a draw at home should, on reflection, feel rather embarrassing to Wenger’s kids.

The game showed us what we knew already, that Manchester United are a superior team to anyone else in the league. It is a long season, and of course cannot predict the future. Chelsea fans all over will have been feeling foolish for their over confidence at the start of the season, and I’m sure John “five points is a lot to catch up” Terry can vouch for that, and it is not a trap I want to fall for. However, at this point, I can see no other team posing a serious threat to us retaining our title.

A point will do, and whilst you may have woken up with a sore head on Sunday morning, at least you won’t have felt the embarrassment of an Arsenal fan, who woke up working out what celebrating a draw at home to United actually meant. Thanks for the laugh Wengerboys.
very good article btw and very true.
hahhaa, arsenal is a very young team indeed
typical manure shite tbh

And I lol'd irl @ "The game showed us what we knew already, that Manchester United are a superior team to anyone else in the league"

Like Manure have never celebrated a draw like a win, pls...swings and roundabouts
lol'd at that. i think its complete shite ^-^
ZZZzzzzz utter whining

Whatever twist you put on the game you cannot change the facts that:

Man U did NOT beat Arsenal

Arsenal DO play the better football

Arsenal are still top (on gd maybe but with game in hand)

Besides theres still a long way to go yet
fuck you , manu > *
calm down kid

You can still wank over ur beloved reds

Just don't expect ppl to listen to the bs


Enjoy the rest of ur day
The gaff would of gone ballistic no matter who we played if 2-1 down and equalised in the last minute, same with every set of fans.

Fucking deluded Munichs
uhm.. i cant see the point actually
arsenal > man u np
in 2 years Arsenal will dominate the Premiership, and they will do so with youngsters, they will win the championsleague for sure some day... Man U plays boring... aint got the midfield to challange the topteams in the championsleague imo

Arsenal play a very attractive football... rly fun to watch... but Barca will always be nr1 :)
i dont support either but what a fucking joke of an article, i watched the game and i have to say UTD are one lucky team to get a point out of that game since they had absolutely nothing
harsh english bastard


PS. Jimmy Mc for Sports Personality of the Year...
hmm ,Arsenal controlled about 70percent from whole game ,so IMO they at least deserved one point,and about that celebrationg thing.U would not celebrate if u score in injury time away home and especially againts good team ?
they were at home, that was the point
yap but anyway ,I was happy cause it was injury time and it was againts good opponenT!and draw>lose
Arsenal > ManU
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