what are u doing tonight? :>

im watching DSF HSV vs. THW Kiel
im for mah hometown ofc

and u?
I will watch the CL soon!
studying #!$%$%! biology & italian coz I will exams from these 2 tomorrow :<<<
Watching Liverpool hopefully get beaten !
i will play some pkr :)
I'm gonna finish 24 season 6 and then get some sleep ready for work tomorrow.
watching lost
going to level my warri !11
Gym, taning salon, dunno, dunno, et (?)
i think i will masturbate while watching dirty sanchez
watching snooker @ eurosport!
pwning noobs in #3on3.et ofc
I am living in Jena atm as I am studying here, but it also worked in Cottbus. ;)
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