ETace rant

Many people have been complaining *cough*whining*cough* that ETace is a failure, and that it was bound to fail right from the beginning.

And you know what? perhaps you're right.
But if this mod is to fail, it's because of the communitys ignorant attitude.
The mod itself has got potential but then people whine that its not etpro.. well duh.
But its not like the etpro dev team are the only people who can code a competition mod.

The possibilitys with ETace are endless, and yet still theres this large group of people that say its gonna kill ET.
People give arguments like "the hitboxes suck" because they are not "etpro hitboxes" and I can understand that, as people have gotten used to the hitboxes over time, but stop acting like improving hitboxes or antilag is something that only the etpro creators could do.

ETpro got years the time to improve, ETAce is to be developed asap, don't expect things to be done within one day, such things take time(I'm not talking about anti-lag or hitboxes, I'm talking about the mod in general).
"Rome wasn't build in one day" :)

Also, I'd like to say something about the etpro dev team, they've allready made up their mind and decided not to help the etace dev team, so people, stop saying we should ask help to the etpro dev team.

And now something TO the etpro dev team:
I get that you don't want to help us and I respect that, tho I do not fully understand it.
It's been a while since the last ETpro release and it apears that it will be the last, but by not helping the etace dev team you are ignoring the community what they want, what they 'need'.
I guess we'll just have to live with whatever you decide to do but seriously, what could go wrong?
I think the community would be grateful if you'd help us.

I think its rather kind of dodgy that so many people are against a mod with better cheat protection:)

Meanwhile, nobody is forcing you to play the etace test.
And the only reason that ETace could be 'bound to fail' is because of the communitys attitude.
etace suxxx
etpub hitboxes!
in indonesia, punishment for masturbating is decapitation
did you know that there is a law in england that states that a woman is not allowed to walk topless in liverpool unless she works in a store with tropical fishes?
QuoteI think its rather kind of dodgy that so many people are against a mod with better cheat protection:)

Could it maybe have something to do that you have chaplja and others "not so trustworthy" in your crew?
And maybe you should release the mod when you think it is finished instead of releasing it bit by bit and taking the players motivation for your mod down?
whos not trustworthy?
One that I think many in this community have thoughts about and is a 14 years old kid that is trying to jump to shoutcasting.
And who might that be?
Take a guess. :-P
I want to hear it from you.
Also, chaplja has some good knowledge on cheats, a big asset to the dev team, his help means a lot.
Yes but it is still a bit like taking in a guy that is/was positivte to doping, and on top of that creates/created dope himself, as a doping controller.
chaplja truely wants to help, I don't see a problem with that.
Have you seen those "scam ads" and "your sytsem is cirtical scan now with out scanner(notice that they almost ALWAYS have bad grammar and are heavily "msispelt")?

That is how many people in here sees on his attempt at doing good.
QuoteHave you seen those "scam ads" and "your sytsem is cirtical scan now with out scanner(notice that they almost ALWAYS have bad granner and are heavily "msispelt")?

Anyway, he's a good coder and I don't see how he could take advantage out of this, if he does create some hack that works on etace I'm pretty sure he'll be tossed out of the dev team, and I'm sure he won't do such a thing.

If he creates some loophole it can be fixed again.
How can anyone, except the customers, know if there is a bot out?
How can anyone, except the customers, know if there is a bot out?

good question, as I said I don't believe chaplja will do such a thing, so I havent really thought about this, just hasnt come to my thoughts, any ideas?
That you get a good coder, that is possibly an enemy to chaplja, that must remain anonymous to chaplja, and then he double check the code and they should communicate with you as their messenger.
Join politics :P
we are not releasing 'bit-by-bit'.

do i have to repeat every single time that showmatch was not a release or a pre-release of etace? it was a test game in order to get some input on gameplay
I didn't talk about any showmatch.
then what are you talking about
Your publicbeta version.
it's to test gameplay, nothing more nothing less, it's not an actual release.
Still, people started to believe it would be something similar, and therefore bringing their motivation to the mod down.
maybe you can ask the etpro team to let you "improve" etpro with anti cheat features?
QuoteAlso, I'd like to say something about the etpro dev team, they've allready made up their mind and decided not to help the etace dev team, so people, stop saying we should ask help to the etpro dev team.
He isnt saying that!

He is saying that the ETACE dev team should help the etpro dev team with anti cheat
I know, but the etpro dev team doesn't want to cooperate with us for the same reason.
Ofc they dont want to

They are afraid it will be the end of ETpro
Would mean the exact oposite of etpro if they'd help us, they'd be active again
They think otherwise

They think ETACE will be beter and would mean the end of ETPro
they'd MAKE etace better if they'd help, but its not like we're gonna take all credit for it:D
so then a logical way would for etpro dev boys would be joining ETACE effort and get some glory for themselves with few work as they would just throw a few etpro thingys inside which they already made
Why would they reinvent the wheel? Just accept it that etpro devs don't want any cooperation with etace dev team.
so all in all you need their help or not? 0_o
The dev team doesnt 'need' it, the community does seem to 'need' it.
My post wasn't regarding do we need help or not. The point I tried to make is that there are more optimal and better solutions which I don't beleive will happen
they got beef!
like 60% of the community are cheaters, so why they need a better cheatprotection? xD

GL with ur mod anyway!
Sorry but I dont think the community want new hitboxes...

Try and convince the etpro team...
Am trying to convince them,
QuoteAnd now something TO the etpro dev team:
I get that you don't want to help us and I respect that, tho I do not fully understand it.
It's been a while since the last ETpro release and it apears that it will be the last, but by not helping the etace dev team you are ignoring the community what they want, what they 'need'.
I guess we'll just have to live with whatever you decide to do but seriously, what could go wrong?
I think the community would be grateful if you'd help us.
Ask it directly to them , dont use CF as a medium :|
trying it 'subliminal advertising' style ;D
You could better try giving them a cookie to convince them
Hmm perhaps a browny.
Just do the same as madscientist did with et-promode. The way to "import" some files into the current ETpro, you can compaire it with the lua option in ETpro.

I have no idea how to do that, you should ask madscientist. But it has everything of etpro + the additions of you guys.

Imo that would be alot better then starting from the ETpub source, that will suck anyways :P

QuoteImo that would be alot better then starting from the ETpub source, that will suck anyways :P

really? why would it?
To start with , it needs more work then what he suggested

But tbh you can start with anything and build something great
hmm well yes it does need more work, but it has been done before, etpro dev team had to come up with features over time, but we could use them as an example now.
Have you tried to ask them if you can join them instead of saying "hey, we are ETACE and this is the name we have taken and we wont change it and we want to operate as an independant group but we would like to help you with ETPRO alt. you help us with ETACE"?
I havent tried anything myself, I'm not the project leader and I'm not exactly the right person to ask someone to work with us:D
Go ahead and ask imho, the worst thing you could get is a no.
I'll leave that to quad|, he's the dev team leader and I don't feel like making such decisions on my own:P
ofc , but just look at how long it took them to make it to the current version


And unfortunately I dont think ET has years left
I've been saying this tons of times.

I don't think ETPro had a feature list when they started on the mod, ETAce does have a feature list that are to be implemented, making it a bit easyer.
hf re-coding the ETpro settings / cvars and hitboxes.
The development of ETpro took years to become to this version, dont tell me u will finish this all in a few weeks :P
Quotehf re-coding the ETpro settings / cvars and hitboxes.
The development of ETpro took years to become to this version, dont tell me u will finish this all in a few weeks :P

Took ETPro years to come, and multiple versions, I doubt they had a list of features to implement at the start, those where thought of later, and added later.

ETAce does have a list of features to add, so it's somewhat easier.
et-promode is a hacked win32 binary of etpro.

it is not a separated mod and it cannot be developed (yes, it can be hacked more, but nothing that allows you true developing).
Well your building Rome too late, you should rather continue on the work of ETPRO and not start over and finishing too late.
just the same about the 5on5 thing..i mean the behaviour of the community..
I like 5o5 tbh its something completely different

but 8o8 sux

Just look at cybergames and imagine playing war :S
i didnt say anything about 8o8.
its not _that_ different imo,.
I know , im just saying there ARE limits

5o5 is different especially in tactics and classes
thats true but you can find new tactics easlily and after 2-3 months i guess almost everyone got used to it.
you also have to see the advantages of 5on5.
This community is too retarded to get this, tbh.

Everyone is whining "LOL EVERYBODY IS USING HACKS"
but the you have to ask why, honestly I see everyday random idiots flaming lower players or even kick them if they are not playing that good. I mean every1 started ET someday and he was maybe even playing lower than the one he is flaming.
ET is getting more Players than CS 1.6 per day, but they all stay to ETpub or ETmain, just because the ETpro players think they are so good etc.

And now, after destroying the community, they whine if someone want to make a mod which stop cheating. Its the same with the new pb update, everyone said "LOL IAM LAGGING NOW" but nobody said thank you that some hacks got detected.

I think 70% of this site will now repsonse with care, but atleast dont say you love this game if you are on the best way to destory it.
Some of your arguments could get the response:

image: vaag3
just a wild guess, but seems like safety weights more then insecurity, thats deep man
etace aint really good cause of when u get hit u cant see it onyl by have showblood light and on etpro u can see u gettin hit cause of ur wapen is shaking..
this is just a fucking try and in a testphase, have you ever played the first version of etpro? it was even more shit than that :D
yeah i know but i can give my opinion right ? nothing werong with it imo?
You are talking about promod
I implented a cvar to disable damagekicks but then again, nobody forces you to turn them off.

Also, did you know that the damage kick factor is dependend on your hp? the lower your hp the higher the damage kick factor? this has been disabled with cg_damagekick 2, wich makes it a constant
its a cvar, you can leave it on if you want so i don't get your point.
and i dont get the point of your post
point of my post is, that i'm telling you you do not have to turn it of, and with that said, your argument is invalid
You fail at making a point.

The damage kick can be adjusted, as he said, you can take it off all together, leave it like ETPro, or set it so the damage kick doesn't get "worse" when you have lower health.
I like the idea of a almost cheater free ET with ETace, atleast there will be less cheaters.

But tbh I hate the fact that the etpro team isn't going to help, they allready have a great mod and with the anticheat code of ETace is could be complete.

IF the etpro team would just give the source to the ETace team we could expect a supermod, but I don't think that most of the active players would like to play with etpub hitboxes etc etc *whine whine*.

And it is never too late to make a new mod, so lets hope it will do something good to the ET communitie (ps. don't steal my FPS!)
C'mon people, seriously, stop whining about any change that could save ET, accept the fact that this game needs to go through some changes to keep going longer...

Also, nice rant Teri :P
QuoteAlso, nice rant Teri :P

If you guys get this community to accept this change and so on, then I will regard you as some kind of legend.

btw how is q3 coming along?
Quotebtw how is q3 coming along?

really well:D
Such an ungrateful scene, but such a bad mod at the same time :(
From what I've seen.. you never miss opportunity to flame etace whilst it hasn't been released yet, do you?

image: img_72034a67bc866b60931fc2d5e9c29ee4
Hello cheater

Hi, I'm chaplja, I cheat, I hack, I suck 24/7.
never played ETace before :D
promode hitboxes > ALL
Can't really compare it now can you, promode has disabled bulletspread.
promode hitboxes are 100% identical to etpro's.
the etace dev r trying to help et to stay alive and the only thing that u guys say is: etace is gonna make et die
why dont u think positive ?
they are trying to make the mod as good as possible but if u guys r like et = goin to die etc then y should they bother making it ? be happy that there is a dev team thats willing to keep or atleast try 2 keep it alive.
Well I think due to the community, some of the dev team have given up, but Terifire and a few others are still there for it :)
if fab's saying it it must be right !
if ter's saying it it must be right!
we should go into politics
ure doing good job teri!
You're quite right, why people arent giving it a shot is fucking retarded.
I think it might be cause there aren't many big posts about the mod, imo they should make a topic about it and you should sticky it! :P
can you sticky a journal?:>
make it in forum :p
because ETpro is already almost perfect
only reason would be the new anticheat.. why would they make a whole mod because of it?
more possible ways to block cheats.
as has been said thousands of time, the etpro dev team doesnt want to cooperate, I can't stand it that everyone is talking as if only they can improve stuff.
I dont really think the developers are good enough, the only one who seems to know his stuff is chaplja, and he probably is the main reason why etpro doesnt wanna have anything to do with etace.

Also, stop whining to etpro, they made a mod that works and ettv, the cheater problem is really not their problem. Besides why not make an anti cheat client, like that aequitas one or something, rather than make a new mod?
QuoteAlso, stop whining to etpro, they made a mod that works and ettv, the cheater problem is really not their problem.

nobody is 'whining'.

and indeed, the cheater problem is not their problem, its the community's problem that they 'have to' live with cheaters on the mod etpro created.

and wasnt it so that ettv was developed to work with etpro?
Think they had a discussion like that before, but ETPRO uses closed source and they do not want to cooperate with them, so I don't think it is realy possible.
I completely understand why etpro devs don't want to cooperate with etace, never whined about it, just pointed out why doing a new mod is the only reliable solution in this case.

I never tried aequitas, but since it is an external application, I don't beleive it can be considered as a reliable anticheat.. simply because external programs can't control as much stuff as you can when an anticheat is integrated into the game/mod. Just take a look at punkbuster and etpro's IAC. Eventhough punkbuster was developed over many years, etpro's anticheat is better because developers have more possibilities.
whahahaha ,plz dont be so ignorant.. alot of ppl are supporting this project, but u honestly expected no flame&whine at crossfire?

U believe in fairytales aswell?
But anyways, its not because alot of morons flame the ETace project for its efforts that no1 thinks its a great idea.

EDIT: btw, i played ETace for an hour and couldnt hit things, not even opponents standing still.
Maybe go back to the drawing board and work on your aim then.
i get 45-50 acc in etpro even in wars and highest dam most of the time, so i like to believe its not me
Believe what you want, but I've seen quite a few players do just as well on ETACE, if not better than what they do on ETPro.
believe what u want, hitboxes are totally different from ETpro... mayb those ppl got used to it or play ETpub, but to me it felt rly uncomfortable

ow and fov feels different aswell
Well maybe just been able to aim and get the same average acc on both of these mods proves that they are better all-round aimers and possible play other mods/games to help with aim elsewhere.

Main point: Practise on more than just ET/ETPro
.... i think ive played evry fps game out there on a decent level except for CoD series, so i dont just practice on ET/ETpro.

And im not the only one saying that fov and hitboxes are completly different compared to ETpro. U might have misunderstood btw, when i said i couldnt hit things i meant i was barely getting 40-43acc
Well if you were barely getting 40-43 acc it doesn't say much about the mod, just the player...

AFAIK, other people dont have so much of a problem with maintaining the same accuracies.

Anyway, enough now imo.
fov is an engine thing

holy shit barely 40-43 acc, go download quick
so how does the fov change then?

EDIT : basically im saying that things feel different, like getting headshots is different. SOmething that has been confirmed by the ETace crew. So im just saying what they said and i get flamed by some frustrated man/kid (hvk)
Thru the cg_fov cvar.
Try this on 0 then:
cg_gun_fovscale [0|1]
Scale the gun when you use different FOV
Default: 1
i dont use drawgun :)
oh cmon you got to admit that hVk's reply was pretty sharp:D
well it was funny, but not very constructive :p
sticky btw
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