fireball - a nice guy.. honest

He really is one of the nicest guys to talk too. There i was minding my own business busy in work when Xpaz messages me

Finland Xpaz: eVo who are the guys on the impact server, any of our guys or are they there without permission
England eVo: without i assume, lemme check it out.

I join the server and find some people playing a 3o3 in there. None of whom had asked anyone for permission to use the server. I disconnect from the server and promptly rcon kick them all.

Poland ufol one of the players messages me and informs me he didn't think that was very nice of me, i told him that if people ask me if they can use a server i always say yes and let them use it, however if people just use it i find it very rude and they quickly get a kick. He nicely apologised and informed me that fireball had given them the IP to use.

Both myself and Xpaz were then pleasently surprised to receive a message from Turkey fireball, he started in his nice way:

Turkey fireball: fucking mongo
England eVo: excuse me?
Turkey fireball: nice kick from server
England eVo: nice using someone elses server your a fucking idiot
Turkey fireball: haha stupid motherfucker
England eVo: o plz when you have some intelligence talk to me again, but for now GTFO
Turkey fireball: lowtard get skill

It's always a pleasure to speak with such personable polite people, your a nice guy rly
nice flags
out of everyone i knew you would appreciate that :)
mh yes he is xD
haha.. netsetting whore !
brb, getting popcorn
thats the spirit! e-drama for all!
thanks, makes for a more complete e-drama journal
You deserve to die for useing wrong flag you retard!
lol´d :d:D;dD;D;DD;DdDDdD;D;D;D
lol what an asshole ::D
drama =D
eVo, i need a bouncer! :(

Two blind guys doinG fight!!1 :) :) ;)
and fireball is 20+ ???
evo <3 :}
good, now i can use your server! brb
What a retarded fuck.
looking forward to cdc4 ... better u wear a helmet there eVo :P
lol idd i'm worried now
^^ i think he had just a shitty day ...
i know him as rly friendly /no sarcasm :P
he & humm3l in TS = unbeatable fun
retard :o
soz but you and your mates aren't better, evo!
its true we do randomly use others servers without asking ...
gehehe evo going to gym already =)
eVo > fireball

haha, i teached him !
Where is the loooooooove
Someone didn't have their Turkey kebab today...
first time that you made me smiley
This should be in eastenders
He's just being german mate :P
no hes not
It's german behaviour, never seen a true turk act like that!
lolled, pretty annoying all those people who just use somebody else his server.
Tulinen iskanderi niin rupee päivä karvakädelläkin sujumaan
can i has ur server?
nice flags.. fucking racist!

u were right that u kicked em:)
ahh calm down Afghanistan bullvox
:D well i did edit my comment because i think ppl wouldnt see it as a joke/sarcastic comment :)
i saw:) fortunately i have a sense of humour :P
x-D hahaha.. Fireball owns.
nice ego karvakäsi
reps @ karvakäsi
;D made my day
watch out or he'll give you a headbutt on cdc4!
old, it´s Turkey random retard =)
Gj Turkeykarvaranne!
fireBall > eVo

exactly the words 90% of belgian players would have used
u have got some serious issues... insulting belgians in every random journal.

I suggest u get some professional help with that...

so far 80% of belgians i have met have been acting like that or even worse. it's not my fault and notice that i didn't say '_every belgian_ '
u must attract it then, because i have alot of belgian e-friends and not one of them is a retard or would act like that
you are lucky then
but uf0l is friendly not like fireBall, isn't he? :-)
Pretty rude. :|

eVo > fireball
but impact is a really good server ;)
same procedure every day ... always funny how the kicked start whining
waiting for his and humm3l's reply. :DdD
too bad the conversation stopped so early ;p
its a fact uf0l is a nice person and fireball is an idiot. get over it!
muslims aren't aggressive and violent at all!
Is he beating women like other muslims?
fireball > evo
so relevant
so you felt offended that some1 was using YOUR server without permission, thats just as sad as fireball's behaviour. Tough guy.
Where does it say i was offended? I appreciate English isn't your natural language but at least try to understand first
well it sounds like it when you HAD to kick them out
and where does it say i "had" to kick them out, "we" simply chose to kick them out for being cheeky bastards. Care to make any more wrong assumptions or you gonna leave it at that whilst only looking slightly stupid?
Quote it sounds
so that would be an assumption,
Quote by under siege 2 assumption is the mother of all fuck ups
rofl :D
he's from turkey, what do you expect?
well done=)
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