Few ET screenshots

Edit: link removed

i like screen6 the most, reminds me of real life shots the most
could be nice for banners
Screen27 was really nice to be honest :]
there is no blur in real life!
Quotereal life shots
EXPLAIN -perse
photographies use to blur on distance -perse
high quality ones usually dont
it's about artistic dof, it's not really that dependant on the camera, more dependant on the one who is using the camera.
still though, it does depend on the camera aswell :p (if you ignore the artistic stuff)
well, basically no.
i know i know! i suck at cameras :/
Portrait photographers spend a lot of money on lenses to get the most blurry backgrounds possible :)
it's not the "most" blurry background that matters, it's the "bokeh". ;)
As if anybody here knew what bokeh is... except u obviously ;)
wtf is the gunmodel
there is better AA and no blur in RL
nice to be deph of field working allready (eventhough i dont think that is 100% ok).

Nice screens ogrec+nice work mad
nice work ogrec, hm can i use them for some ET banners?
just steal them, I make the same!
Thanks for renaming the images as I was trying to view them, I thought some had been deleted. =)

Some really nice screens, though e.g. 18 looks a bit weird.
they look like someone that needs glasses
27 is nice
If only I could get graphics like that ingame -_-
27 and 28 ftw
can i use the last one for a banner?
28 is nice
nice DOF effect tries (u used feathered masks or gradient alpha?), too bad there is no way to do it easily (and good) in ET yet.

this made me UL some nice macro pics i made recently:

image: img0053
image: img0052
image: img0228
image: img0235
image: img0280
image: img0319
image: img0346
image: img0349
Actually these are beta test screens made with a tool that does it for et (or any opengl app).
Too bad recording takes way to long to do more clips, atm it takes 4.5 hours to record 1 min of ingame action :o
its producing blured pics or just extra alpha screens?
motion bur + dof, no alpha
uf, no wonder it takes that long then :)

Have you tried new q3mme? It has an excellenet DOF effect feature.

made by crys1s:

Quick, easy to use, and producing awesome results.
source code is one wonderful thing... :(

looks really good
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