Tanaka Kar98k
7 Nov 2007, 19:32
gimme plz 600 euro guys! one of the most beautiful airsoft remakes ever.
simply beautiful... btw anyone playing airsoft wars? or paintball?
imo best if u want some adrenaline xDD
gimme plz 600 euro guys! one of the most beautiful airsoft remakes ever.
simply beautiful... btw anyone playing airsoft wars? or paintball?
imo best if u want some adrenaline xDD
i also hv airsoft remakes :D
a m4 and a deagle
we had a team of 9 ppl, 5 were my friends and the other 4 were random russians XD
what was the most amazing is that the enemy team were 9 arabs :DDD
we fucking owned themmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
my and my friend rush to the middle and we fucking owned them :D
i were on rampage and monster kill ^^
i shot one guy in the balls and the ball protector is fucking lame in this paintball :D so i heard him scream lol
and i also had headshots ^^
what was not nice is that when we run out of bullets, me and my friends sit in the middle and start talking :D and i told him that if some one will come close to us i will throw the gun on him and just then i got hit in the head :< where i didnt have protection :S
later my friend told it was him :( he tk me and my friend cuz he was boerd !!!
btw i also have friends who bought m4 airsoft some thing like that which work on electric :S 300 meter for a sec :< cost around 1000$
so you need to find a quiet forest :D
I had to sell my stuff though cuz i moved to Malta.
I was pretty pro though, not like the other cowards who sat far away with their automatics, I just rushed behind them, and shot them in the back.