Dear Admins Please!

Dear CF admins,

I just want to ask what's going on here.
I just logged onto CF 2 hours ago, and read some new and all.
Then some 'funny' people start to making journals about the Highschool Massacre in Tuusula Finland.
I myself am not agains a JOKE:
Quote1. something said or done to provoke laughter or cause amusement, as a witticism, a short and amusing anecdote, or a prankish act: He tells very funny jokes. She played a joke on him.
2. something that is amusing or ridiculous, esp. because of being ludicrously inadequate or a sham; a thing, situation, or person laughed at rather than taken seriously; farce: Their pretense of generosity is a joke. An officer with no ability to command is a joke.
3. a matter that need not be taken very seriously; trifling matter: The loss was no joke.
4. something that does not present the expected challenge; something very easy: The test was a joke for the whole class.

I take this stuff as a personal attack because of the fact that I lost a family member due to an accident, comparable to this.

But some people still think it is funny to say thing like:
Quote Wow, mystic started a massacre!!

Quote OMG, idontcare, prob. a emo lol

These are'nt even the worst, but I don't want to lower myself to their level tbh.

So admins, to make a Loooong story short:
Please stop banning the people that post 2 or 3 comments to much in your opinion, and please do something about the, brainless journal/ comment posters.


(and flame: on probably)
don't take them seriously
im sry 4 u :(
Dont want 2 read it :p
I hate ppl who starts cry about thing which happened like kilometers away from place where you live.
But yes, I understand that it's sad to someone who lost son or daughter in that massacre, and it's ok to be sad, but when thing has nothing to do whit your everyday life, why would you eaven care?

e: It's intenetzzzz
stop taking the internet to heart
nothing actually matters
I agree, and sorry for your loss, but how are those perople (retarded though they are) supposed to know you lost someone important? I mean, to them it's something that could've happened thousands of miles away...
You really shouldn't take anything seriously on crossfire.
take everything serious and show some e-respect for this guy pls!!!

seriously if you can't stand what other ppl say in the internet then shutdown your pc and cry me a river
this cant be taken as serious business here..
I think the same about these fags.
welcome on the internet
Welcome to the internet x2
Well if we have to ask everyone weither they are ok with it before making a joke...
I know its hard for you, but you cant take much thats written on Internet seriously.
Most is written for attention (flaming, whining etc), and isn't meant to hurting anyone.

If you get hurt by it, then you take Internet to seriously..
also banned people that say '' im sorry for your loss'' etc, since they dont fucking care at all
sorry for your loss, but what the hell do u expect ppl to behave like? You cant expect every1 to think about what they reply might hurt some1 :S
imo this is a big whine journal.
lol some1 deleted my comment . seriously if you get hut over zeh internetz by random ppl ps visit the mental doc :SS and this is still a ET-Community :S

in this case multikill
lol :o) agree
I wish that kind of jokes would stop too, didn't lose any friends or family, but I really think that people should have SOME respect, even though this is internet, and rather anonomys...
Shame mate. Sorry to hear it.

=/ bad story, and kinda pathetic that he did that, but i guess people are just fuck ups.
Welcome to the internet :)
i made a journal about why those journals get deleted,
and wow -- it got deleted!
don't take it too serious.
My Grandfather died from a heart attack laughing too hard about a stupid jokes.
So please make no stupid jokes.

Nah, you will see that everywhere where a tragedy happens, the people will try to get over it with (sometimes crude) humour. That doesn't have to do anything with respect about the victims, but seems to be a part of humanity.
internet = serious buzinez?
jeezes.. how can they know such a thing, aren't you overreacting lol, emo
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