3d mark 06 scores


with Q6600 @ 2.520hz

8800GT 768mb @ 600 gpu core and 1033 memory core bus

anybody else scores?
I can't post it because everyone else would become jealous...
why so small OC @ Q6600?
ive overclocked it by using the bio extreme tweeker, by 5%. if i raise it to 10% overclock my pc doesnt boot. I think i need a better cooler.
em, what motherboard you have?

its easier to overclock manually .. just raise the FSB and if it dosent boot add some voltage, its izi. though you have to be pretty careful.
those bios tweakers are pointless :x
i have had memory probs, so raising the fsb will also overclock my memory which i dont want. what voltage do i add where? and how much voltage?
in bios, dont know you're bios, but add voltage very carefully, small steps at time, it increases you're temp too
8800gt with 768 mb?
4900 :<

with Radeon x1900xtx 2gb ram and !!!!!!singlecore!!!!! P4 :(((
3400+ haha
7952 old spec but decent machine!
i think u mean GTX, GT doesnt have 768 models
i just ordered my new GT, next week coming :P
almost 5
686 :<
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