My New Keyboard

Just bought a Logitech Media Keyboard 600. It was the best keyboard in the store ;>
I had 60% reduction, because of some project from my dad's work BUT I only was allowed to buy something in that particular store (that explains a lot).. PC private project or something they call it.;


But I would've prefered a G11 though :(

!!! My old keyboard is a standard white Logitech keyboard, but in comparisation with the Media 600, it has a SMALL delete key above the arrows, and also an End key..

And I use both in ET :(, because I play with the arrows! [controlz]

Dunno what to do ;<

Give some opinions about the keyboard plz :)

& have a nice day !
wooof i hate that kinf of del and end key :<
same here :)
also here..
Woot same here. :P I tought mine is random. :D
I use the arrow keys too, n i gotta have the del end pagedown keys directly above them =] i dont like that layout :P
same :( I use the arrows to move, ctrl to sprint, enter to jump, delete to crouch, end to prone pff :P fucked now..
oh no lets care about a keyboard
just buy a fucking normal keyboard..
Used to have the Navigator Black SE (> all) but it has been replaced by the Media Keyboard Elite, which i'm using now.
i want a keyboard that you can hook upto 2 computers and just have one button that switches between computers, urls plz.
image: _18023149_fre_061

had logitechs before, but this one rocks all: bigger keys & works if u push more than 4 keys at one time

edit: fu hellknight! xD
i got a g11 now but before i bought it i used arrows, learn to use wasd its alot better =] well at least i think so
ye indeed.. I really should learn it.. You have eb enourmous amount of keys around it.. But once your used to something, its hard to make the change imo :)

playing for 4 years now with the arrows to move :P tetris habbits TBH xD

also in CoD 1 singleplayer etc

but imo wasd > all
yeah i also played with arrows for about 4 years but this april i got the g11 and the arrow keys have this weird thing where you cant press more than 3 buttons at the same time so i learnt to paly with wasd, took about a couple weeks gaming but it was worth it :D
totally agree :P

I also should do it
it is worth it =] + when you go to lan you dont need to keep pushing the person away on your left :DD
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