yu losers

did you enjoy my bantime

btw : http://kiss.eicher.tv/et/avis/storm.mp4
lol, you was away?! :O
tHhahHAHAHAHAHHAhahAHAhahha bibuy o:!
who ar you?
he played et at toplevel !
he ? when i see name liek kiss me thinks of girl,,, and i is good engrish aight ?
i didnt know why i feel so good... thx for the info
Welcome to internet, hope you'll get banned again =)
we all do :)
Had fun in inetz when kiss was banned, Here I Come Real Life!
lol thats rly ur friends??? Lol leetish they play OC prem afair :D wtf n1 can get cfg for me? ^^ mayb i can get afa.cfg for trade u kno:P
gifty lal'ish ^^ i lold so hard in real life man ^^ :D ofmg
i thinked he braked his arm but dont care he is boon rofl :DD
u see gifty kill?? u see gifty kill 1 kill in game?? me i not see this
gifty = boon
You really don't get this do you :')
Quote by pumubraked --> broken
yu nikKinGs
wie noemde gij nu losers :D
guys who take cf too serious
nope, now i couldn't laugh with ur idiot comments :<
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