Few Ideas Against Cheating

This journal is not for flaming, I'd like you people to think of new ways to stop cheaters, IF you have an idea, please post it here. Also, if you are AGAINST an idea, post it here, BUT, give a good reason :)


- Let the mousedrivers and the game check the amount of mousemovement, and check if it's the same, if not, aimbot :)



- Let the game check the view of the player with some kind of ghost bullettracer (goes through walls and stuff, just collision with anything but players disabled). If the player sees any other players (entities) on his screen, but with a wall between it (or a box, or any solid object), the game knows the guy wallhacks, since it renders a player, while a solid, non-transparent object is in front of it.
say what?
could that work ?
=D joo, noi on kaikki koviksii mut ei pärjää pulkkinen - kopiovastaava läpille ;D Katoppa ne =D
hehe.. dont push the river <3
If someone is willing to put time in it, yes, I think it could. The engine has the capabilities afaik.
1. et doesnt have any time

2. it wouldnt work (because I say so)
what, afraid of still being busted? (although after the match of this night I doubt you still cheat xD)
im afraid that system would own a lot of innocent people
and no, i didnt cheat today and i havent cheated in a long time! you are right about that one!
and why would it... I mean, if you are innocent, you don't render players from behind a wall in front of the wall right?

edit: I'm off to sleep now, so I'll react in a few hours ^^
what about buggy textures like in supply for example?

just accept it, it wouldnt work
explain what buggy textures...
dunno if it would work
whose ideas are you stealing?
ask yourself this question...Have I just invented new ideas?....Answer..unfortunately no....
Your ideas aint workable, however if they were, like most other things, they are hackable anyway...
explain why they aren't workable. every1 in here is just flaming this topic like they don't care, but with such an attitude you will never solve the cheater problem.
all I'm saying is do you really think that the people who are actually paid for this haven't researched it before?. And I do really believe you can never "really" beat the cheaters/hacks in any game/application.
Haha, if you say that to everything in life you can only do a little. Show initiative, it could well be that this has never before been thought of.
true....tomorrow I'm thinking of inventing a wheel thats round instead of square..xD...gl anyway, I'm sure you will find a solution..
saying that something is not possible just because people who are getting paid to do it haven't done it is pure nonsense, mister ;)
how correct mister..but we aint talking here about a new breakthrough for the cure of cancer, we are talking about a free online game that any potential hacker with half a brain can manipulate in minutes....mister
Its cool with some ides spree =)
epic fail ;_)
u would bust innocent players with this btw
hey spree, wb btw :)
Well wont u bust ppl that are accidently tracking another guy through a wall? this happens pretty often i would say.

Toss alrdy uttered something similar i think, but u would need external programs for this to work
mb you should read what I typed, and read what I typed in the messages below, since you obviously don't understand what I'm trying to say ;)
ah ye i get it now, but dno anything about coding. So dno if this is possible
already posted several times always failed
could work tbh.
sounds too simple
if its that easy we would have that already imo
I say we run, or like... Something.
aimbot thing can work, but the wallhack thingy isn't going to work cuz sometimes you just shoot on walls and if there is somebody behind it you'll get banned xD
you don't understand the wallhack thing obviously. The game just checks what should be rendered on screen (so for example there should only be a wall), but if a playere is rendered (shown by the engine) in front of the wall, the game knows you cheat, since it's impossible to see an enemy who's behind the wall.
would be damn hard to code I think, but it would be a nice idea
no, it wouldn't, you basically only need a debug thingy, since the game already does the maths for you. It's counting the distance of objects, so that it knows where to place and render those objects, and if normally a player is behind a wall, the game already knows that he shouldn't be rendered, so actually it's already in the game, there just isn't an utility for it (for example a debugger) to check wether it's right or not ;)
and debuggers eat CPU-power so overybody would have a huge preformance drop
it isn't a debugger, it's something in that direction, just to make clear to you what I mean. all the maths are already done, they are just used in the wrong way, they should check wether the player rendered in front of the wall actually should be in front of the wall (can be done simply by a distance check)
then code it if it's so simple.
if i cud code...
you don't even know where ur talking about, so how could you know it is simple to check? :P

you will have to get render info from the client, render info about what should get rendered and what not, compare them, then check if it isn't a glitch (would be hard, but you have to pretect the innocent), and send out a HWban or smth :>

it is prolly much more, because I can only code some uber simple stuff
I can code übersimple stuff too, that's not the problem, and the client sends info to the server anyways, so why not include this info.

Trust me, I know what I'm talking about, I prolly know even more than u do xD
that would eat twice or even more cpu than it does now... it's damn hard to verify what has to be rendered and compare it.
ofc not, it's already rendered, the only thing the game has to do it checking wether the player rendered in front of the wall actually should be in front of the wall (can be done simply by a distance check)
excuse me.. ? what do you mean by "It's already rendered" ?

whatever that was supposed to mean, what you call a simple distance check is not a simple one.
kerel, doe nou niet lauw net alsof ik een of andere newbie ben die hier niks van weet, want je weet best wat dat betekent. ik heb een grafhekel aan jouw soort, btje lauw doen omdat jij toevallig kan coden.

Je weet dondersgoed wat ik bedoel, en je weet ook dondersgoed dat dat niet zo moeilijk is, ik bedoel, als je op iemand schiet in ET, hoe verder weg je bent, hoe minder impact de bullets hebben toch? dat is eigelijk al een basic distance check ^^
what? why did you suddenly start writing in mongolian?
Everyone stop playing ET then the cheaters will have to play vs cheaters and they will get bored. Then they will stop ET and we can all go back to ET! But now I have made my plan public the cheaters won't fall for it!!!
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