Few Ideas Against Cheating
9 Nov 2007, 01:19
This journal is not for flaming, I'd like you people to think of new ways to stop cheaters, IF you have an idea, please post it here. Also, if you are AGAINST an idea, post it here, BUT, give a good reason :)
- Let the mousedrivers and the game check the amount of mousemovement, and check if it's the same, if not, aimbot :)
- Let the game check the view of the player with some kind of ghost bullettracer (goes through walls and stuff, just collision with anything but players disabled). If the player sees any other players (entities) on his screen, but with a wall between it (or a box, or any solid object), the game knows the guy wallhacks, since it renders a player, while a solid, non-transparent object is in front of it.
- Let the mousedrivers and the game check the amount of mousemovement, and check if it's the same, if not, aimbot :)
- Let the game check the view of the player with some kind of ghost bullettracer (goes through walls and stuff, just collision with anything but players disabled). If the player sees any other players (entities) on his screen, but with a wall between it (or a box, or any solid object), the game knows the guy wallhacks, since it renders a player, while a solid, non-transparent object is in front of it.
2. it wouldnt work (because I say so)
and no, i didnt cheat today and i havent cheated in a long time! you are right about that one!
edit: I'm off to sleep now, so I'll react in a few hours ^^
just accept it, it wouldnt work
Your ideas aint workable, however if they were, like most other things, they are hackable anyway...
Well wont u bust ppl that are accidently tracking another guy through a wall? this happens pretty often i would say.
Toss alrdy uttered something similar i think, but u would need external programs for this to work
if its that easy we would have that already imo
you will have to get render info from the client, render info about what should get rendered and what not, compare them, then check if it isn't a glitch (would be hard, but you have to pretect the innocent), and send out a HWban or smth :>
it is prolly much more, because I can only code some uber simple stuff
Trust me, I know what I'm talking about, I prolly know even more than u do xD
whatever that was supposed to mean, what you call a simple distance check is not a simple one.
Je weet dondersgoed wat ik bedoel, en je weet ook dondersgoed dat dat niet zo moeilijk is, ik bedoel, als je op iemand schiet in ET, hoe verder weg je bent, hoe minder impact de bullets hebben toch? dat is eigelijk al een basic distance check ^^