so owned!

So I get to i32, and all is going well. I get my cod4 preorder and start playing.

Then some guy comes over to the guys on other side of my table and starts grabbing their monitors and stuff, so they told him to "gtfo". He wabbled, and eventually found a seat on a spare chair where he sat with his head in his lap for 10 mins. Then he passed out and fell of his chair, and lay on the floor for 10 mins. Then he made some strange noises and puked all over himself.

The event hasnt even really started yet, its still early arrivals and this was before 12pm. Now I have to spend all weekend with the smell of some dudes puke!

The tech support guy who drew the short staw for cleanup didnt look happy either, but at least his misery is short term.
Im feeling like I could vomit

and lol, im not even there !!!

hf =)
seems like quality weekend
tell something about your weekend : )
I dont really have plans yet but something like; few friends come to my place after school / work, we chill & drink here and around @ 9pm Liina gets from work, then she'll come here aswell, dont know if we are going to some pub or are we just gonna have some student party like. so that's for friday.

today was more exciting for me though!
tell something about your today : )
tell me something new :)
is hentai there?
aparently. i havent found him yet. He might not have arrived yet though
why did they grab his monitor or whatever ?

was he high ? or was hackin ?
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