want a girl?!?

http://www.collegehumor.com/video:1701165 lol

tonight going to play cod 4 :>
but till then i have to do math :|
already have my girl ;)
it became a fact, the 14 years old kids came up first with this sentence.
stfu g4ylord
another fact proven!
the pic <333333
ugly as hell gotta need washing my eyes because of that pic :X
its "okay" but i guess you can do better i trust in you mate !1!1!1!!!1111
oh shit giiiirls oh no i have to wash my eyes :X
oh no fucking ugly monsters i need to wash my eyes

yes mate i am correct if i have to wash my eyes when i see them dont know what girls you know but wtf they are as ugly as those zombies in hellgate
if you look closely you can see that the 3rd from left has a pretty nice face eventhough she is pretty young she will be pretty nice imo
others are also not ugly or something, just bit young (except those from begin and that fat one from end)
and even i don't date with such young girls, i would take the 3
rd from left and keep here till she's 16 or something :D
but pls don't compare the girls from your porn archive with girls in rl, they are mostly not _perfect_
okay whatever you are talking about is just nonsense and the sideflame with the porn archieve just sucked wasnt funny at all if you had flamed me like yo mamas so fat if she wants to know how fat she is , she has to use google earth. Okay let's get back to the reply you posted there:

others are also not ugly or something, just bit young (except those from begin and that fat one from end)


look at the second from left ugly as hell and not just young
okay the third from left is "okay" nothing more and nothing less
the fourth from left also sucks donkey balls because no one will ever let her suck anything else
the second from right just got an ugly face nothing you can do about it except going to a doctor and the third from right just looks like a whore to me but nvm mr. I'm-not-so-funny-even-though-I-think-I-am
i tried not even a little bit to be funny. and why should i flame about your mother? if you have ever been to a party or something you might see that you mostly don't look like you are used to on some pics. actually there are very few pics where you have the right expression in your face at the right moment.
however i still think you don't have much rl experience in girls, so i can understand that you rate anything else then your favourite pornstar as UGLY OLOL. and pls there is nothing i mean as "joke" or "flame" so i don't want to be funny, unlike you with this wierd "your mother is fat joke" ( which is NOT old and VERY funny)
actually there are very few pics where you have the right expression in your face at the right moment.

this, Sir , doesn't change the fact that those girls are ugly whatever expression they have on their face.

however i still think you don't have much rl experience in girls, so i can understand that you rate anything else then your favourite pornstar as UGLY OLOL.

again doesn't change the facts that the girls are just ugly. Even IF I wouldn't have much experience in girls I got eyes in my head and if you run around in your city or hometown or village or wherever you live, you may notice "girls" and you can SEE how they look like so I don't have to talk to them I just judged by their look and as I already said for already something like 5 times, they are ugly and it doesn't change whatever you want to say or discuss about. So as a conclusion I'd say your reply failed and in my oppinion I stated my argument while you just had some statements which weren't even proven to be right. :D
ok whatever they are very very young yes but i can't see the ugliness you are talking about...
anyway on the second picture you said those girls are "ok"? actually those girls are fucking nice...
i would like to see a pic of those girls you are hanging around...those must be topmodels imo
do u have french kisses with 14?
Kissing with your tongue in her mouth and stuff yo
wtf thats sick, youll get cooties
cod4 sucks. go play qw instead
qw sucks harder!
math is np4me
ironically she makes a good point to be pro-choice... :-D
das Weib ist voll irre
dont need a girl .. have a hand ^^

u are sick !
more pics from girls please :p
die vierte von links bitte :P
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