some mixing program?

Hi, i have some friend that is trying out to remix songs, but the starting volume off some songs is lower then others so sometimes if he tries to mix up songs one so is to much in the background and vice versa. Does anyone know a decent and good program that can be used to avoid these kind of problems, thx for anyone having some info's on this.

ps: my flamebot isn't working so don't expect met to reply on stupid comments but if you can't let it, hf flaming.
lio got friends! hahaha =DDD best joke i heard so far!
i dont know what u want but for mixing try virtual dj and basic turntables try ots turntables.'

or with audacity u can change volume and mix too, believe or not
use FL !
its great program<333
yeah FruityLoops or maybe the more professional Steinberg Cubase.
But for Cubase and FL you will need some nice plugins...but the integrated ones will do it too..GL

EDIT: Ableton Live might be good aswell, but all these progz are very expensive to buy i guess...
use Music Maker Hip Hop Edition rly nice program !
mmhh had this when i was a teenager...but seen with my eyes now: just crap!

is there still the "Turntable" in the package?
music maker easy, cheap too if you cba to dl (like ~40euros)

the problem you are experiencing is that the frequency or kb/s of the songs are different- which leads to different sound quality (and volume) Im unsure which it is- would say try to 'acquire' songs with the same frequency / kb/s if you dont manage to get a program.
FL or audacity
rofl @ all these peepz above me saying FL and Musicmaker and shizz xD

just use Steinberg's Cubase and everything will be allright :)
yeah Cubase iz da shit!

BUT: the boyfriend of my sister is making professionaly music with nothing else then FL...and hes very good in it. he is actually selling some stuff...
FL is very very very limited in it's capabilities, and especially in it's audio editing feautures (it's fun for mixing samples though)

Basically, everything that can be done in FL can be done in Cubase too, only then better, + cubase is just for audio editing/restoration/etc... too. It's only a bit more complicated, but you'll get used to that :)
:D i already had my fingers on Cubase for a certain time :D
Virtual DJ I use ..
Audio Mulch FTW nupies

Or of course Reactor where you can program your own :P
Reason !
mismeister is good but may be difficult
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