im a fckin nub

(19:24:23) (Sheep`) i fucked up my pc today
(19:24:35) (Sheep`) i turned it on and i got some error about usb device overpower or some shit... so i removed all usb devices and it shut down... so i plugged all back in and out, in and out...
(19:24:38) (Sheep`) and it shutdown
(19:24:40) (Sheep`) tired again
(19:24:41) (Sheep`) shutdown
(19:24:44) (Sheep`) tried again
(19:24:45) (Sheep`) didnt even turn on now
(19:24:50) (Sheep`) so i was like, hm, powerpack?
(19:24:54) (Sheep`) so i got an old pp
(19:24:57) (Sheep`) and tried.. and it started, but shut down again
(19:25:02) (Sheep`) so ok, i thought my powerpack was dead
(19:25:12) (Sheep`) i went to buy new one which is powerful enough
(19:25:13) (Sheep`) got home
(19:25:16) (Sheep`) wtf it doesnt work...
(19:25:32) (Sheep`) i googled and and saw stuff that said it was my mobo
(19:25:38) (Sheep`) so i tried to reinstall bios
(19:25:41) (Sheep`) wouldnt work...
(19:25:43) (Sheep`) so like wtf
(19:25:55) (Sheep`) then had the idea of checking the usbs
(19:25:59) (Sheep`) cos there was overcharge or whatever the fuck it said
(19:26:04) (Sheep`) and what happened was
(19:26:13) (Sheep`) the top/bottom usb port divider had broken and fallen down onto the lower usb thing
(19:26:20) (Sheep`) like creating a shortcircuit
(19:26:24) (Sheep`) so i bought new pp for nothing
(19:26:28) (Sheep`) fucked up my mobo for nothing
(19:26:39) (Sheep`) and now it says i havent got enough power for my gfx card
How unlucky you can be :<
seems like you have a problem mister
log. ban.
geeks life is hard
good job!
hehehehe pwnt
xD serves you right.
Go to the shop and tell them you dont need the PSU

but that you need a new mobo

case closed

:(((((((((((( i would go crazy
get skill plz
talking alone -.-
old news that u r a noob, eh?!
spammer,flamer... what the f get a life!
muahahahaha, look whos talking^^
i see someone else's got prob with him 2 ...
lal sheepyboy, made me laugh atleast in this week
ur a geek too
yes you are =(
like we care.
ahahaha. :XD
ah well look at it from the bright side! shit happens!
good job wnb fintard
reaz is back, mein wow acc wurd gehackt wegen dem judenvirus.
kein witz is ne true story :<<
meine equip wurde zum groeßten teils verkauft bzw weggeschmissen.
hinzu kommt, dass mir 500 g entwendet worden sind, hab allerdings schon nen gm angeschrieben, der sich um die sache kuemmer, mein wow acc ist bis auf weiteres geschlossen, damit die sich die sache ansehen.
ich schreib halt mit ihm e-mails jezze.
sone hurensöhne ey , im rL nen kleinen schwanz habn aber im internet rumhackn ...
schon 2 dudes ausser gilde passiert ..
hmm just wondering... u were talking to someone there? :)

If you do your just being ignored so hard :D
lol :p
hihi, I know things like that =)
Awh, poor you, big hug
lol mikey :(..
your a fkn nub
gheheh xd
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