Need ya help!!

hey crossfire

I need your help

My Friend wants to make a movietrailer for Our upcoming movie(probably called Counterbrothers)
We got frags n stuff but now we need nice musik.

i think that techno/rock is pretty good but others are welcome too.

p.s I'm serious rly:)
plz kito, this is poor. maybe just as poor as sitting around friday nights replying to journals :/
ich war eben weg mit kumpelz was essen reicht mir :)

und was machst du so mr?
ich häng hier, vorraussichtlich das ganze wochenende, langweil mich zu tode und replye auf deine journals :/ scheiss bio lk mit ihrm kack kurstreffen :/
ach schule ist schon was schönes gell? :D
solang sie mich am we mit meine leuten rumhängen lässt is sie ja ganz ok, immerhin hab ich so wenigstens vormaittags was vor aber sowas is doch scheisse. wärs wenigstens der deutsch lk gewesen, da sind eh nur mädchen oder schwule drin
get a life listn to some muse and find ur own
daft punk
Umek - Carbon Occasions
Psycho Radio - Sound Is Shocking (Paul Woolford mix)

omg i could name soooooo many
mach ma plz :) wir beide sind gerade in sonem loch findne nix

click on the left site through those artists, mostly u got a playlist there with lot of nice stuff. me no time, gotta go in 5 minutes, bowling :D
hehe have fun make some strikes =)
Fatboy Slim - The Rockafeller Skank

If you want to make it rather serious than funneh:
Prodigy - Breathe

actually there are loads of more but these would suit absolutely 100%
breathe idd!! good choice imo
whole Fat Of The Land would be good but this one has the right rythm to include in a fragmovie imo
mason exceeder :(
Disturbed - I'm Alive
E-Type - Eurofighter
DJ Tiësto - Insomnia
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