The latest school shooting

I read some news site today, and once again they try to blame the shootings on videogames.
Someone found out that he (the shooter) was playing Battlefield 2 before went on his killingspree.
So we are probably gonna see alot about the "killer games" and people who want to ban them on TV again :(

And if anyone is interensted, here is the shooters BF2 profile :P
i think its bollocks that they blame computer games... you dont see every gamer teenager going on rl killing sprees... its those kids who have the most fucked up childhoods that end up doing shit like that imo! BLAME THE PARENTS!
Ofcourse you need the blame the parents.
But politicians (or how to write that word) will never go out and tell parents that they suck at raising children, its so much easyer to just blame the games, and so they will.
motherfucker there is no need to blame anyone

that guy knew what he was doing, it was his message against this fucked up society and gotta admit it worked pretty damn well. he got attention what he needed. now I can only hope someone will follow on his foot steps and does as radical things as he did!
26% acc and he used a fucking sniper.

bf2 isnt a close combat game (afaik), so i guess you cant really get much acc in it
Sniper rifles isnt use in close combat afaik:P
it is in et : D
rofl, tr00datt o_X
It can be close combat.
I guess 80% of European teens play computer games...
there is an estonian film, called "Klass"
best movie about school shooting i have ever seen, pretty convincing that videogames is not the reason
they already banned bf2 and cs in finland :(
cod4 and etqw were taken off from the stores ! police will take control on forbidden fps gaming!!


+ 1
he was facism, freak, maniac. dunno why a kidgame like battlefield should have any influenced on him
Wihtout internet he prolly woulnt done it
bullshit, would have done it earlier imo....
most researchers will say people with those tendencies use fps games to fuel their fascination for weapons. Not the other way around! No-one can prove that fps games make kids go out and buy real guns....
Idiot, i wasent talking about fps games
then be clear so everyone understands dumbfuck.......
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