cod4 impressions

Been playing COD4 for an hour or so now.

It's fun, but there are too many loller-features, like the stupid helicopter and damn airstrikes. remove that crap ffs.

also - and I haven't read up on this yet - but the class system seems unnecessarily complicated, and detracts from the less-is-more approach that used to be Call of Duty.

anyone know of any good servers?
i agree, the helicopters and airstrikes are just silly, but i dont expect them in competition.
where can i has helicopter
you need to own, so you can call for an ub0r helicopter!
can any1 paste a few SS?
QuoteIt's fun, but there are too many loller-features, like the stupid helicopter and damn airstrikes. remove that crap ffs.

You are aware you can disable this with the mod that comes WITH the game called mod warfare?
no I'm not aware of that. will check it out.
QuoteBeen playing COD4 for an hour or so now.
Hardcore mode still has all the weapon upgrades, UAV's, airstrikes helicopters grenade launchers etc etc.

It just strips the HUD, increases bullet dmg and removes perks.
btw cod4 rocks!!! even with all these airstrikes and helicopters it is so much fun!
I think the game is amazing. It needs some fixes, f.e. the "connection times out" and the "awaiting connection" things are pretty annoying, but the game it self is really great.

lvl 36 already xD


edit: with some nice mod (PAM or smth) the game will be very nice in pcw's too.
you can lvl in cod4?
Yeah, there are ranks.
I had seven or eight time-outs before I could play the first time. bad first impression. :p
Love it, has great potential to become an amazing competetive game.. Shame I had to order a new PC to play it ;DD
send some screenshots ass
I dont get why every feature should be removed for you ET-only playing asses
Because at the moment the game is in no way suitable for Competition with all of the pub features.
to make it a pc game that takes skill. not some noob-only, wheelchair-aiming console game.
and what is that suppose to be?
Pretty confusing point about 'realistic' games in this article.

ET:QW's genre is different to ET because it has aliens? What? I thought it might have something to do with different gameplay, but I guess it was the aliens all along...

Seriously, does anyone actually care, what the hell kind of characters bounce on your screen, if the gameplay works? Whether a game is 'realistic' or not? I can't see it being an issue. In fact, I think it's a totally moot point, but somehow a third of this (short) article was dedicated to bringing it up.
weapons are imbalanced as well, tanks introduced
Weapons in ET:QW are balanced by gameplay and not by statistics, so if you compare weapons with each other, yes they are imbalanced, because they are different from each other. As long as the head hotboxes aren't made any smaller the difference between the weapons is pretty irritating though.
you're right. people need to stop about the need for realism, because who REALLY want a realistic game?

solid gameplay > all

hence nintendo > all
The game is immense....


As stated, airstrikes and helicopters need to be removed.
Remove all fancy bits like c4, grenade launcher etc...

Use some of the old CoD2 maps :)

Then it will be gg!
Once there are servers up and running that remove perks, inventory weapon upgrades and airstrikes i'll enjoy it much more.

We basically need a mod that has every weapon unlocked with all types of scopes unlocked as well so people are free to choose but every one chooses from the same selection instead of having it dependent on your rank.

I'd like to see the hardcore mode dmg modifiers in the normal game too. People are abusing the prone/jump stuff already and i am shocked they haven't fixed it as this was an awful feature of CoD 1. If the hardcore dmg was in the normal game, people wouldn't be able to get shot, jump, spin around and then prone to shoot back.

Time will tell i guess, i hope nothing gets forced on this game like it did in quake wars.

CoD 4 has a very promising future and i love it.
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