How do you do?

@ n1ght it's 00:28 right now @ Israel and I dont want to go to bed ;[
what about you?
rAnd0M p1cturE:
image: trojan
Actually im not and not even look like its not my fault that I live in jewish country still Israel is a country of four religions and the only thing I have is far jewish roots and not even grandparents
I was born in Brest, Belarus as far as you know the border between Poland and Belarus, in Breat people speak in Polish Belarusian and Russian of course, thats why I can speak, read and write in Russian Hebrew English understand and speak in Polish and understand a little of Belarusian and Ukrainian, if you ask yourself what im doing in Israel thats because of my fathers decision move to Israel instead of Germany, all happened when I was two years old now im sixteen
Indeed nice mix of countries and languages so im same Polak as you and by the way in two months I have school trip to Warsaw, Poland for ten days if you heard about it in your country the trip is about Holocaust and holy places for Judaism
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