Gamma Jumping Engie..

Look at this movie :) Gamma jumping i recorded, my friend jumped xD ;P

Enjoy :)
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lol? even my little cousin of 4 can make that jump.
ye right!!! you think so? then why don't you go and do it...
I can make it with my eyes closed :)
its a pity there are alot of wannabes who aren't even able to do lnatrickjump... i think you'r one of them :)
Address not available from this machine
not working
Ok now it works
now it works
that jump isnt so hard as ur saying it is -.-

image: fail
it's more than easy :o
ofc.. damn you guys :/
i can do it backward ;x
amazing, what the hell... how did you do that?
made me laugh!
impossible? :D 2izi :))) pmove 0, backwards np4me:<
nothing is impossible for you , mr worlds best trickjumper.

ps: no sarcasm
Lolol its easy if you practise for a half an hour

I saw a guy trickjumping for the first time and even he made it ...

yes as an engineer
You failed to be pro.
lal i did this with eng.
It's not that hard ;|
nice music
Hank is some chinese fag afaik. He's TJ only, and could Nejiskilled at it.

Tho @ that 1 the hardest thing is not to get overjump...
engi's have less stamina or what?
like i can do it as fops, does that count?
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np : Apologize - One Republic

hi retard
izibash :-|
n1 ruining the placebo image with this dirty clip :p
your recording skills sucks! and the izijump too...
lol that jump is possible with every class sooooo easy
I'll give you props for the 'any body' part
Noodle can do evry jump as engie :<
LOL so easy 4 me :F
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