cod 2 costs 10 euros, buy it
11 Nov 2007, 14:21
need cod2 or cod4 key can trade for rtcw key pm me
what do you wanna do with a cod2 key ? you cant play cod4 with it ... and if you wanna play the singleplayer there is allready a keygen
Do you know that CoD 2 multiplayer mode isn't disappearing anywhere? It will still be competitive game.
ye like rtcw after et release
i don't agree. CoD 2 will still be alive.
It isn't, it officially died Friday night :P
et and cod are smtn completely different
the majority of the cod2 players will swap and it will be the end of cod2 like in many diffrent games before :<
maybe you are talking about top clans, but cod2 community won't die that fast fosho
buy it :<