rtcw help

i've decided do reinstall rtcw again but as always the cfg things are a bitch!

in my ET config i have a classcript like this:

bind F5 "class m 1; say_team ^1>>^7Medic"
bind F6 "class f 1; say_team ^1>>^7Fieldop"
bind F7 "class e 1; say_team ^1>>^7E.SMG"
bind F8 "class c 1; say_team ^1>>^7Cov.Sten"
bind F9 "class e 2; say_team ^1>>^7E.RG"
bind F10 "class s 4; say_team ^1>>^7S.Panzer"

bind DOWNARROW "team spectator"
bind RIGHTARROW "team b 1 8 37"
bind LEFTARROW "team r 1 3 38"

but the word "class" doesn't work in RtCW and neither do my arrowbinds work completely, they just go to the team i want but not the class :<

another thing are the scores and topshots...what the command for that cuz they don't seem to work either...

could any1 give me the ip of some active servers? i remember something with a tiger and rtg but could be wrong :)
In RtCW you don't work with "class m/e/f/c/s", but with "mp_playertype 0-4" + "mp_weapon 0-8".
"Set spawnpt 1" = axis side. "Set spawnpt 2" = allied side.
k, that'll do the trick, i'll see what number corresponds with which class and gun! thx
bind F4 "+scores"
bind F5 "mp_Playertype 1;say_team ^2[^7MEDIC^2]"
bind F6 "mp_playertype 3; mp_weapon 3; say_team ^2[^7LIEUTENANT^2]"
bind F7 "mp_Playertype 2;say_team ^2[^7ENGINEER^2]"
bind F8 "say ^3We must ready up to make good n1 war?"
bind F9 "vstr team_axis"
bind F10 "vstr team_allies"
bind F11 "vstr team_spec"

// ^spawn point selecta

set spawnauto "setspawnpt 0; echo ^2^^7Spawn^2Auto^7/^2Flag; ;set spawntoggle vstr spawnaxis"
set spawnaxis "setspawnpt 1; echo ^2^^7Spawn^2Axis; ;set spawntoggle vstr spawnallies"
set spawnallies "setspawnpt 2; echo ^2^^7Spawn^2Allies; ;set spawntoggle vstr spawnbarracks"
set spawnbarracks "setspawnpt 3; echo ^2^^7Spawn^2Barracks; ;set spawntoggle vstr spawnsniperhill"
set spawnsniperhill "setspawnpt 100; echo ^2^^7Spawn^2Sniperhill; ;set spawntoggle vstr spawnauto"

set spawntoggle "vstr spawnauto"

bind KP_DEL "vstr spawntoggle"

Maybe i dunno :)
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