some help pls

ok reinstalled ET
give me... possible spawntimer possible spawnselector possible classselector possible aimbot

thx in advance
my cfg at profile + ask kenta
i only can find the aimbot there :(
spawntimer + spawnselector + classselector in my profile

Aimbot at kenta's profile
waar moet ik da allemaal smijten?

Class binds werken enkel in etpro

Maar voor te joinen in elke mod ^^
has great spawntimer!
//Name Script

bind z "vstr tog_name"
set tog_name "vstr tog_name_1"
set tog_name_1 "set name ^fcuntface^.*^7ar+ea ;echo ^7ar+ea ;set tog_name vstr tog_name_2"
set tog_name_2 "set name ^7tr^2i^7ckflo ;echo ^7tr^2i^7ckflo ;set tog_name vstr tog_name_3"
set tog_name_3 "set name ^7Sheep^j' ;echo ^7Sheep^j' ;set tog_name vstr tog_name_4"
set tog_name_4 "set name ^7Sheep^1.^7co^4.^7uk ;echo ^7Sheep^1.^7co^4.^7uk ;set tog_name vstr tog_name_5"
set tog_name_5 "set name ^7Sheep^0.^1ALIS ;echo ^7Sheep^0.^1ALIS ;set tog_name vstr tog_name_1"

//Spawn Binds

bind 6 "setspawnpt 0 ;echo ^7SPAWNPT^0 0"
bind 1 "setspawnpt 1 ;echo ^7SPAWNPT^1 1"
bind 2 "setspawnpt 2 ;echo ^7SPAWNPT^2 2"
bind 3 "setspawnpt 3 ;echo ^7SPAWNPT^3 3"
bind 4 "setspawnpt 4 ;echo ^7SPAWNPT^4 4"
bind 5 "setspawnpt 5 ;echo ^7SPAWNPT^5 5"

//Class Script

bind F5 "class m 1 ;say_team "^7going medic ;play sound/menu/filter"
bind F6 "class f 1 ;say_team "^7going field ;play sound/menu/filter"
bind F7 "class e 1 ;say_team "^7going engi ;play sound/menu/filter"
bind F8 "class c 1 ;say_team "^7going covert ;play sound/menu/filter"
bind F9 "class s 4 ;say_team "^7going panzer ;play sound/menu/filter"
bind F10 "class e 2 ;say_team "^7going rifle ;play sound/menu/filter"
bind F11 "class s 2 ;say_team "^7going mobile ;play sound/menu/filter"
bind F12 "class s 5 ;say_team "^7going mortar ;play sound/menu/filter"

//Team Script

bind "," "team r 1 3 2 ;echo ^1AXIS ;play sound/menu/filter"
bind "/" "team s ;echo ^2SPECTATOR ;play sound/menu/filter"
bind "." "team b 1 3 2 ;echo ^4ALLIES ;play sound/menu/filter"

//Hit Sounds

bind r "vstr hit0"
set hit1 "b_hitsounds 1 ;bind r vstr hit2 ;echo ^7hitsounds: ^2ALL"
set hit2 "b_hitsounds 2 ;bind r vstr hit0 ;echo ^7hitsounds: ^3HEAD"
set hit0 "b_hitsounds 0 ;bind r vstr hit1 ;echo ^7hitsounds: ^1OFF"
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