
Hiho somebody gonna paintball at 15.12.07 in Polling near munich? :o if not tell me your experience you already have with playing paintball and if you don't have any, post some random n1 lolol pics : D
don't have any --> can't post random n1 lolol pics because of my i'net!
noes you n00bie :<
its fucking irritating that there comes fog on the inside of your goggles
if you run alot the inside of your eye-protectors gets foggy, you cant see shit
any way to avoid that? :o
ehm, try not to get too exhausted, and wear double t-shirt instead of sweaters
(i wore sweaters to get less pain from impact, but i only got hit twice :p)
just dont get too warm
edit: take something with you to unfog it (forgot the word)
k thanks for the help i really appreciated that will tell ya how i fucking owned or got owned after playing it :P
he means that if you do not use antifog spray you might get fog on the glass of your mask. That really is irritating cause you wont see shit and might shoot your teammates :)

another thing is that most of the guns are not accurate, its more like CS and not ET. so just spray and pray!

always make sure where you are running because it is very easy to trip and sprain your ankle. Ive seen it a dozen of times.

and remember camp>all and that means that most of the other people will camp and stay behind shit. There is no such thing as strafe or trickjump, but fast legs can and will get you out of the trouble sometimes :)

Most important thing is to have fun and use all your bullets!!
I will have fun thats for sure but hell it would be fucking great to become pro in this game since it looks like a lot of fun and stuff :D
yep, but the gear is quite expensive!
thats why im looking for sponsorZ just message me or haZer in #own-Zone if you want to sponsor me :O <3
great experience - except for the time when my teamate shot me in the neck from 3yards away making my neck bleed.
xD poor you :< i heard you can have serious injuries :F hopefully i wont get any :<
ya well also i ran out of bullets on 1 map - so i thought i would try and do a sqzz flagcap with no bullets. I got shot 10times in the arm, plus my m8 shot me in the ass from 5yards away which bruised :<
XD laughed about the ass shot even though i mean wtf if you play paintball correct you have someone like a fieldop who has tons of ammo and you can buy new one after every round so how the hell could you run out of it? xD
here in england its like really expensive to buy paintballs. So i just went S.A.S style and walk up behind ppl and hit them over the head with my gun
lol u did that?
i did it once but i got shot like 100 times for doing it and disqualified for 1 round :<
lol :D
i'm not gonna hit my friends on the head
true i wouldnt advise it, but was funny anyway
it also is fucking expensive here gotta drive around 3 hours to get there and pay like 60 euroZ :<
1 tip i would give u is to buy the gloves that they sell. I must have got shot 20 times in the hand but because of the gloves i felt no pain. Plus they are good for hitting ppl with
ah okay will think about it how much did they cost you?:o
they were like £10/15euros but were rly worth it
k so i will buy them too if they really own that much :>
especially if its cold like it was in england - my friends who didnt have the gloves were complaining about being shot in the hands.
wtf we got outdoor + indoor and i guess we are going to play inside because of the snow which will probably be there if it stays as cold as it is nowadays :<
its different everytime, you can buy ammo everytime a new round starts i think (where i play) but you dont have a guy who carries all the ammo, that would sux, with 5 min rounds
i read something like that from a "pro" player they got like a "fat" ammo guy 1 captain and some fast moving and jumping guys who try to push as far as possible :F
i dont have that much money, no thx, btw if your ammo man dies then youre screwed
xD ya i know but whatever thats just what i read so i dont have a fucking clue if its right or wrong ^-^
nope, not even spawnprotection
well there are loads of bullets in 1 clip so YOU MUST HAVE BEEN PRESHOOTING A LOT FFS WALLHACKER
well my bullets werent shooting straight it was rly pissing me off. I was just shooting at walls like in the avi of unix on supply. But yer presooting is cool in paintball
If the bullets are like flying anywhere but not in the place you aim at you may blame the one who sold them to you - they may be old. Or maybe you ain't got enough gas in your rifle.
ya i know - im pretty sure it was the gas. I still hit a few hs and bodyshots but the guns were shit :(
Bring a real gun, you will own everyone :DDD

zomg green blood >_< this is so
I sold my gun... cant play paintball in malta.

I was playing in a paintball club... was really fun!
its absolotly awesome im going near xmas time =
15.12 is near christmas :P
yeh but you going to munich im gonig to london
hf there mate :P
i owned everybody
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