Time machine - 90s <3




I wonder what the 90s will be remebered for ^^ - if this is all, well then im happy I was born in the mighty 80s!

Post more! :)
for the begin of the end of the world + zeh matrix http://youtube.com/watch?v=UM5yepZ21pI
90's pwned
End of the Cold War, Friends (the tv-serie) Back-fucking-street Boys (etc boybands), quick development of communication technology.

Better than the 80´s though.
Sandstorm bad tunnnne!
90's was where it was at!!
estonian reindependance
in the 90's the downfall of kids television began.
80's action series > *

image: 1304-GalaxyRanger1-DVD-CoverVorderseite
90's were great.

but sandstorm. wasn't that the summer or 2000?
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