the reason why cod4 sucks..

is ironsights

why should especialy CoD4 sux by that? cod 1,2,3 has that 2?
they all suck for the same reason
Thats your opinion, I think it a bit more realistic with ironsights then crosshairs =)
realistic yes
better hell no
realistic.. rofl. what's realistic about virtual puppets taking multiple bullets and not dying

videogames by definition are NOT realistic and thus should have the tendency to suit the players, not realism.
"I think it a bit more realistic"

I wasnt talking about the other aspects of the game, only about the ironsight thingie and that is more realistic then a random crosshair on your screen. But ye ofc, when you kill some1 and +50 popups is also not that realistic :D
imo it pwns:)
cod 4 > ET WOOHOO !
cant be worse than kotz 2
at least the sp mode ownz. just wow!

though i dont like mp neither..
You have to try it more because it become very easy after a little train.

Btw: you can change the fov 65 to 80.
yes i will and the fov thingie ofc i have to change that...i just pld on a cracked srv - coz i dont have the original version yet - for like 20mins and i got shot from somewhere over the rainbow it seemed, coz i had no clue where i got hit from most of the time :D probably a stupid map with all those houses to hide..but i hate the prone thing too...
Yeah but you have to change your way to play, it need an adaptation time, for the key try to trade one ! xD
yes..i have cod and rtcw key!! which u wanna trade? ;-)
so you are saying it will feel weird at first, but once you get used to it it's fine.

that's about the same as putting a cork in your ass. It will feel weird at first but onces you get used to it it's fine. Same thing, however it's still not a great idea.
Try to put it in your hole, you will see isn't too bad !
nah thx, I'll stick to it not being a great idea ;)
It's something you learn to use.
oh yea, the prone, that sucks too
looks to slow if you ask me!
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