Bad image message pop-up

The same message pops up every time I try to run an application, only it comes three times for every application with slight differentiations. Being:

"The application or DLL C:\BLOOD\system32\arotq5rc3.dll is not a valid Windows image. Please check this against your installation diskette"
Instead of arotq5rc3.dll, it pops up a second time but now with: fexojb.dll After that a third time with: mtlfc8lmp.dll

HELP ME!@#$%^&*() It's a virus, and this .dlls aren't suppost to be in my PC, and they'r either invisble or just dont really exist or something cuz I cant find it anywhere =\
Hi idan.
download Hijackthis, do systemscan search the file, click it. Remove it.

Or start windows in safe mode. hijackthis again, search the file click it and remove it
priveeeeet :D
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