great fuckup

Got my 3rd exam of this week tomorrow, I studied from 13cet on till now, (2 h break) .. and guess what, I've just done half of my pages.

I wonder why ppl become emo :(

So I hope Redbull can save my ass, have to get it done at 7 am.
I'm screwed I guess .. care :<
no cod4 for you right now muahaha :p
14 sec :o refresh skills :DDD

gl m8 , im on a public LDLD
now I will cut myself :-/
thanks I guess..
back to the books *sigh*
hf =)

me has luck ^^

izi exam tomorrow :P

2 hours at pc xD writing "informatik" about Windows Word 2003 xDDDDD so iziiiiii
should have read the book sooner not 24hrs til exam imho, or did you :-z

tbh pr0 people like me dont even need to study for exams
"the book" is my syllabus, with excercises .. called "Management, Sales & Marketing".

And yes I should've done it before :P
im going to sleep now, why are you still up?
he waits for my dwnloadlink :>
I passed 9th grade without spending more then 2h for 3 exams. :>
Motherland 4 of 5, Math 3 of 5, English as 3rd 4 of 5. :p
pls. 9th grade is izi business.
university isn't that easy !
stop e.t if u want good results in ur exams :)
unlucky mate, thats worse than me..
ask meez, hes good @ homework later ^^!
Get fucking on with it!!1and get of crossfire :p
doing both, seems like I will get it done in time \o/
80 pages left weeeeee =D
i got an exam on ur mama
Only times from school i don't miss since i'm working :D
exams <o/
gl man:) U can do it,izi!:D
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