Officially quitting ET

I thought that after reactivating after 2 years of inactivity due to school, people will still be playing this game, and as a matter of fact they do, although many have retired, but the spirit of 2+ years ago has disappeared. Now ET has become so competitive that ppl have forgot to have fun playing it, more and more people are using hax and rarely can anyone play a game and really enjoy it. The connection between players is disappearing because everyone is trying to become and feel better than the other, even when they are on the same team, and a lot of hostility exists, thanks to many people getting busted for using hax etc.
These are my main reasons quitting ET, and ofc not my whining about my ping and geforce 2, these are the things that made other people laugh or say "what a nub" :<<

EDIT: omg im also officially becoming emo x((
2much2read | who are you? ôo | i don't rly care | kkthxbb
can u readz my mindzz?
see you in 2 weeks :)
HellHammer on 27/10/07, 17:04:26 PM | Reply

im joking

EDIT: seriously, have fun in your life :) just messing around making lame jokes
its a south park joke, cartman says it
actually it was you
Al Gore's one in southpark is better: "i'm super serial!"
How can you wear black clothes when you live in Greece?
what does black clothes have to do with greece?
sun + black clothets = fever! :D
oh i get it now. didnt get it in the beginning because its so cold right now @ mid november, i forgot greece is used to be a hot place in the summer xD
bye, you are so right
hf&gl in rl !
agree at your reasons
soz but, who the fuck?
gl & hf :)
i totally agree about the spirit which somehow disappeared during the time...
but life is better without gaming anyway
yo gl :))
you are too low to care!

(pls guys spot it and dont flame me again :x )
bibuy my metal friend.
hellhammer is quitting ET guys , DAMMIT we're losing to many wellknown players
maybe i dont want to be wellknown??
What you say is a nice example of the cliche that everyone needs to be better and than the rest, never giving a fuck of what gaming is actually about. but who am i to judge you, you are so famous !!
u surely want ur 15 minutes of fame posting this here

don't you
tssssssssss admit it, you quit et, because gaahl and king dont want you to socialize on the internet
totally agree, didnt touch the game for almost a year cuz of this reason, cod2/cod4 and WoW is a awesome replacement =)
dat is echt whine :/ maarja veel plezier in wow :D

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