new CDC 4 team has been born

clouver doNka Griim Lazio zerta jada funky

Will they challenge team-overdose for beeing number #1 in europe? Only time will tell!
wtf ? :D
ah grim fandango, i know this game, GL
:D:D:D I'm currently replaying that game, although some puzzles are unsolvable @ my pc, wich either forces me to tune down my cpu (central processor unit) speed, wich I can't do since I nearly constantly render 3d images, or just load a savegame from zeh inet to pass the puzzle, wich kinda sux tbh :(
;D et is going to be funnier and funnier :PPP
gl ets`clouver, ets`doNka, ets`zerta, ets`funky & rand0mch34t`jada !
who the fuck is lazio.....? No namers.
donka :D
phan not going to CDC4 ? unexpected
and ruin our online-only reputation ?
hmm, maybe. but this reflect "how can some1 be so retarded"
soz btw that we're not going to a lan that hasn't been announced or confirmed yet!
It's been confirmed, just not when =).
what are you hiding Waki ?
Haven't seen you @ any lan.

love that word x'D
Cheating scumbag
rofl :DD waki cheating with that skill xD
true :D
ofcourz izi for artHAXline - none of u proven @ lan, no surprise ur playing THAT good !

damn scumbag
like u said ur too good for lan, wont see you there then I guess

(nice hiding ur hax)
You think we rly care that some people (im not gonna call names here) think we cheat ?

I'm enjoying this conversation, cuz I know that we're just gonna prac tomorrow, and have another offi next week, while you are whining here on crossfire about how hard we hack.

It's liek, think whatever you want - and do whatever you want, we'll just see each other in cups, that you'll lose and then ull start the whole circle again.

Instead of all the whining about us here, u should better get working on your own team, and be able to give us some competition next time we play instead of ur usual whine - and maybe even beat us, like allot of "clean" teams have done before.
You're all talk waki, you just abuse, whine & flame. You agree to play us in a prac then whine throughout then egoquit. Whenever I get annoyed by someone I always try to look at the motivation for their actions, in this case what motivates you to speak out more than others who have the same suspicions. I can come to no other conclusion than your ego, you simply can't handle players that are better than you. Not only will you whine & flame in game but also you continue to throw abuse towards us in every other way; irc, crossfire, gamestv. You need to get over yourself, because you really aren't that good... I don't say this to insult you or put you down but because its the truth, the sooner you face that reality the better.
but your team is full of hackers so he has pretty valid point. also it's pretty fucking ridiculous to have some guys no1 has ever heard of playing the way they play, such as you, no background at all and still recruited, I do understand phan is retarded team but still..
I played with lazio in a previous 2 week team before thats why they recruited me. Though I've played ET since the demo came out but I've never been able to dedicate enough time to be in an active clan until recently (only played 3o3s with mates at night). Just because you haven't heard of me doesn't mean I can't be good, and to be honest I'm not even that good.
I didn't say youre good, I just think you're some busted hacker with new identity.
Ah, well yawn has the ip checker now, if you match my ip up with any busted hackers let me know.
and ur basing that on ..
olba sano ton griimin oikeen nickin mut en muista mikä se oli :XD
hes actually been playing about 3years !
well I'm more than happy to be proven wrong.
thought id just let you know ^_^ glad ur happy!
so if you aren't friends with the known highskillers, you can never get to a level even close to them, without being cheaters.
That's just crazy talk, every guy has his limit at this game, when he reaches it, improvement becomes very hard and limited.

Lets say you reached this like 4 months ago (just saying something here) isnt it logical that some other guy will get close to your limit but later - explaining that he missed hanging out with the current highskillers, cuz he hasn't evolved at the same time as them.

And there are 100's of examples exactly like griim's case, and u just started accusing him without having any valid proof, u just said hey i dont know u, and u aim good- must be hax.

Sorry decem, but the only real retard here, is you.
did I say he cheats? no, I didn't, learn to read. sup3r is as obvious as kenta and even though I haven't specced und3ad at all, his gameplay seems like a one of a wallhacker. yet you tards keep on playing with them, one of you even left after the "sup3r bust" but then joined back since everyone was like "he aint gonna get ban at cb so its ok"

fucking retards.
also it's pretty fucking ridiculous to have some guys no1 has ever heard of playing the way they play, such as you, no background at all and still recruited,

I think thats as close as it gets to accusing him

I haven't specced und3ad at all, his gameplay seems like a one of a wallhacker.

Yes, u can judge somebody his gameplay without speccing him (go wonderkid!)

then joined back since everyone was like "he aint gonna get ban at cb so its ok"

Yes, I'm sure ur better aware of what happend inside the clan, than any of us.
awesome comeback, thus leaving me without a reason to continue this with you.
let me get this right. you are saying that if someone is unknown and has no history in this game he cant be skilled.
are you only asking this as youre one of those kind of people?
yes. is it not posible to get skilled @ pub if your a nolifer like me who smoked weed and played pub 12 hours a day 4 8 months.
no, it's not. as you dont get gamesense for playing countless hours at public.
ok you are right there, but you do get aim.
which isnt so important.
ok ;_( wel tell me then how am i suposed to get in a clan then,
or find some matches to imrove my game sens when low and med clans kick me cuz i took out 3 guys.
u can go from a pubmaster to a skilled player in a fairly short timespan imo, if u have talent for the game and if ur intelligent and learn fast.

Just like in any other sport
even if i really get your point and actually think you're true, anyone can be very good (as any other 'top' player) without a top clan history.

Any one can learn to aim as good as you or any one else, no need to play with great players (of course it helps A LOT but still) you just need to pracc, pracc pracc and play against good opponement (you dont need to have good mates to play against good enemies).

just look at the best duelers such as fatality or cooler, i don't really know if they ever played TDM or something like that but they evolved alone so it's totally possible to become the best aimer of a game without knowning very good players (but once again, it help very VERY much).

Next to that, and that's surely the point of your comment. ET dosent requiere only a 'top' aim but many more other skills such as teamplay, sociability (i guess it count pretty much in a team based game), communication and surely much more.

And here is the difference between the random proaimer without any TP, sociability (aka BIG CHEATER EGO (: ) or knowledge of the game's core and the real top players who we call TOP player because they manage each side of the game from the aim to the teamplay.

My point ? A cheater will NEVER be a top player and will always stay unknown cause he wanted to reach the top while forgetting that 3HS per kill won't give him the attention he want and the real skill that ET requieres. That's why you'll never see any cheating team at the top, they'll just sucks.

So, why do you give a fuck at them ?

ps: it's very late so notice me is there's a lack of sens in the above text :D
you sound like a lawyer hello!
Sorry, uni exams in 3 weeks! I can't help but think like a scummy lawyer. :(
Team Talent or ?
just fuck those retards, every1 knows now they hack, so now we cant really do anything about it, just let them have fun with their haxx and beeing a no-life asshole. xxx
is it true that clouver = mystic?
Oon kuulllu vähä samaa että se ois
dats secret m8 =(
i mean skilled pubs like bio, not shiva 24/7 fueldump
no such thing as skilled pub.
ok ok mister almighty decem, can i play some games with you to see wat skilled is?
I don't do charity.
afraid of geting owned by a noname again, cuz that wat would happen cuz your aim sucks @ ettv. and the thing about game sens plz fuck off it means nothing. and if aim is not important why are butchie mouse tekoa ect all better known players then you? so plz fuck off you are nothing more then a wanabe pro who whines about hax huz his own aim sucks donkyballz.
well you obviously know it all.
you obviously dont know shit, after all the pros quit only noobs like you stay behind fighting for those litle crums of fame.
shouldnt it be easy for even more lowskillers like you to get on top then? go cut ur wrists for being just shit.
i watched some more ettv replays dude you suck big time @ aim no wonder you say its not inportant the only thing you have is lagskill. but no p jou know how to solve that dont you.
just keep saying that evryone hacks and you will be the best.
so which replays did u watch?
a bit too late 4 a discussion you arrogant prick
so you actually didnt spec any matches, you're just saying this as I'm saying aim is way too overrated, good job retard.
not rly but i dont feel like getting in a discussion cuz you are the kind of person that thinks he is always right(waste of time)
btw wat do you want to do compare moments in the replay and watch them 1 more time. i already lost time watching you once.
so you didn't watch me again and you just come up with very well argumented stuff like "your aim sucks".
Quoteso you actually didnt spec any matches, you're just saying this as I'm saying aim is way too overrated.
by not realy i mean all this. btw if your aim did not suck you would not care so much ohh yea and why do you think Lady's profile is emo.
I would not care so much? I'm merely trying to prove the point that if u have good aim, it doesnt mean ure highskill, just face it.
u should really getsum skill =(
did not say that. any clan low---- would be fine but no one will take me cuz off ppl like decem saying that all nonames hack.
that depends on the skill level you're playing at. if some random unknowns with new guids search for high and own you, do you really think they are just good?
read the comment in my profile
Brings me back to one of the biggest problems of ET, when you "want" someone to cheat because you don't like them. I cannot prove myself to you so I won't try, frankly I'm wondering why I even care. I guess I'm not used to being irrationally hated. Although I am curious as to why you think I'm whining, that is the one thing I try not to do. My intention is not insult anyone, crossfire has enough people for that...
give it up Murray no1 belives u lolz
i lol'd there gunna be challenging for last spot!
i think u was just trickjumping at it 2 years long XD
Ive known Griim since i started playing ET, the only reason hes any good at all is cuz hes useing my cfg... lal bust3d meight...

Its O now, not p.
pls u suckalot :D
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